AA HTTPS policy redirect

The majority of traffic is HTTPS. Many users are not aware of the differences between HTTP and HTTPS and the operator should be able to inform users why access to a web page is not allowed. If access to an HTTPS page is blocked, the user cannot know that this was the result of a policy decision.

AA supports policy-based redirection of HTTPS traffic to a landing page that displays relevant messages to indicate why the traffic is blocked. Similar to HTTP Redirect, the operator can configure an AQP to redirect traffic matching the AQP criteria to an informative web portal.

When a user attempts to access an HTTPS site, an SSL tunnel (between the user's browser and the web server) is established. AA analyses the traffic, and if the configured HTTPS redirect AQP matches, AA returns a Nokia certificate. After the certificate is accepted, the user is redirected to the informative portal.

For configuration details, see Configuring an HTTPS Policy Redirect.