Charging groups

Charging Groups allow usage accounting by application or app groups in a manner that does not affect app to app-group mapping. For example, AA app groups statistics for ‟Streaming Video” includes all streaming apps, independent of whether any specific application is 0-rated for charging. AA charging groups are used for charging related statistics.

As with app-groups, charging groups are defined under an AA policy context for an AA group or partition. After defined, individual apps and app-groups can be associated with the needed charging group. The charging group name is a key match criteria within application QoS policy rules.

A default charging group can be specified for the AA policy to associate a charging group to any applications or app-groups that are not explicitly assigned to a charging group.

Charging groups are also assigned an export-id number for accounting export purposes.

If no export-id is assigned, that charging group cannot be added to the AA subscriber stats RADIUS export-type. After a charging group index is referenced, it cannot be deleted without removing the reference.