Configuring a video group

When used for video services, ISA-MSes are logically grouped into video groups that pool the ISA buffering and processing resources into a single logical entity.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure a video group:

        video-group video-group-id [create]
                description description-string
                primary mda-id
                [no] shutdown

The example shown below shows video-group 1 with a single ISA configured in slot 2/MDA 1.

*A:Dut-C>config>isa# info
        video-group 1 create
            description "Video Group 1"
            primary 7/2
            no shutdown

Within the video group configuration, there are specific video application commands to enable features. These commands are described in the configuration examples for the application. Depending on the video application, more than one primary ISA-MS is allowed increasing the egress capacity of the video group.

ISA-MS in a single video group cannot be on the same IOM. An IOM can accommodate two ISA-MS modules provided that the ISA-MS are members of different video groups.