Configuring AA comprehensive, RTP performance, TCP performance, and volume reporting

The following commands show the configuration of AA comprehensive reporting:

config>application-assurance>group isa-aa-group-id cflowd comprehensive
        [no] flow-rate - Configure cflowd comprehensive flow sample rate
        [no] flow-rate2 - Configure secondary cflowd comprehensive flow sample rate
        [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable comprehensive sampling
              template + Configure comprehensive template|   
                [no] dynamic-fields + Configure the list of dynamic fields
                    [no] field <field-name> - Configure a dynamic field
                    [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable comprehensive template
                  [no] field-selection <field-selection>        Configure the field selection : legacy|dynamic

The following commands show the configuration of AA RTP performance reporting:

config>application-assurance>group isa-aa-group-id cflowd rtp-performance
        [no] flow-rate - Configure cflowd RTP performance flow sample rate
        [no] flow-rate2 - Configure secondary cflowd RTP performance flow sample  rate
        [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable RTP performance sampling
           audio-template + Configure rtp performance audio fields template
                [no] dynamic-fields + Configure the list of dynamic fields
                    [no] field <field-name> - Configure a dynamic field
                    [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable audio template
                [no] field-selection <field-selection>    Configure the field selection : legacy|dynamic
           video-template + Configure rtp performance video fields template
                [no] dynamic-fields + Configure the list of dynamic fields
                    [no] field <field-name> - Configure a dynamic field
                    [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable video template
                [no] field-selection <field-selection>    Configure the field selection : legacy|dynamic
           voice-template + Configure rtp performance voice template
                [no] dynamic-fields + Configure the list of dynamic fields
                    [no] field <field-name> - Configure a dynamic field
                    [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable voice template
                [no] field-selection <field-selection>    Configure the field selection : legacy|dynamic

The following commands show the configuration of AA TCP performance reporting:

config>application-assurance>group isa-aa-group-id cflowd tcp-performance
        [no] flow-rate - Configure cflowd TCP performance flow sample rate
        [no] flow-rate2 - Configure secondary cflowd TCP performance flow sample rate 
        [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable TCP Performance sampling
           template + Configure tcp performance fields template 
            [no] dynamic-fields + Configure the list of dynamic fields
                [no] field <field-name> - Configure a dynamic field
                [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable tcp-performance template
            [no] field-selection <field-selection>    Configure the field selection : legacy|dynamic

The following commands show the configuration of AA volume reporting:

config>application-assurance>group isa-aa-group-id cflowd volume
        [no] rate - Configure cflowd volume sampling rate
        [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable volume sampling
          template + Configure volume template
            [no] dynamic-fields + Configure the list of dynamic fields
                [no] field <field-name> - Configure a dynamic field
                [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable volume template
            [no] field-selection <field-selection>    Configure the field selection : legacy|dynamic

The following commands show the configuration of AA comprehensive, RTP performance, TCP performance, and volume reporting:

config>application-assurance group isa-aa-group-id[:partition [create]]
       comprehensive + Configure cflowd comprehensive export
        [no] app-group app-group-name [flow-rate | flow-rate2]
        [no] application application-name [flow-rate | flowrate2]
        [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable comprehensive sampling
       rtp-performance + Configure cflowd RTP performance export
        [no] app-group app-group-name [flow-rate | flow-rate2]
        [no] application application-name [flow-rate | flowrate2]
        [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable RTP performance sampling                      
       tcp-performance + Configure cflowd TCP performance export
        [no] app-group app-group-name [flow-rate | flow-rate2]
        [no] application application-name [flow-rate | flowrate2]
        [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable TCP performance sampling
       volume + Configure cflowd volume export
        [no] shutdown - Administratively enable/disable volume sampling

The following example shows a configuration that includes the following:


*A:ALA-4# configure application-assurance group 1 cflowd
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# volume rate 1000
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# tcp-performance flow-rate 500
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# tcp-performance flow-rate2 100
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# comprehensive flow-rate 5
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# rtp-performance flow-rate 10
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# comprehensive flow-rate 5
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# no shutdown
*A:Dut-C>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# info
                    vlan-id 300
                    collector 1 create
                        description "direct export to collector in Toronto/CA"
                    rate 1000
                    flow-rate 10
                    flow-rate2 5
                    flow-rate 500
                    flow-rate2 100

*A:ALA-4# configure application-assurance group 1:1 cflowd
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# volume no shutdown
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# tcp-performance application "web_traffic"
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# tcp-performance application "citrix" flow-rate2
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# tcp-performance no shutdown
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# rtp-performance application "voip_traffic"
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# rtp-performance no shutdown
*A:ALA-4>config>app-assure>group>cflowd# info

    no shutdown 
    no shutdown
       application "voip_traffic"
    no shutdown
       application "web_traffic"
       application "citrix" flow-rate2

Because no template selection is made in the above example for any of the configured cflowd templates (volume, RTP/TCP performance), the legacy template is used.

Alternatively, if the operator wants to have specific fields within, for example, volume templates, then the dynamic option must be selected under:

config>application-assurance>group isa-aa-group-id cflowd volume
        template + Configure volume template
            [no] dynamic-fields + Configure the list of dynamic fields
            [no] field-selection <field-selection> Configure the field selection : legacy|dynamic

The following example displays a volume template configured to use dynamic field selection:

*A:Dut-C>config>app-assure>group>cflowd>volume# template
*A:Dut-C>config>app-assure>group>cflowd>volume>template# field-selection dynamic
*A:Dut-C>config>app-assure>group>cflowd>volume>template# dynamic-fields
*A:Dut-C>config>app-assure>group>cflowd>volume>template>dynamic-fields# field "hostName"
*A:Dut-C>config>app-assure>group>cflowd>volume>template>dynamic-fields# field "aaApp"
*A:Dut-C>config>app-assure>group>cflowd>volume>template>dynamic-fields# field"aaAppGrp"
*A:Dut-C>config>app-assure>group>cflowd>volume>template>dynamic-fields# exit    
*A:Dut-C>config>app-assure>group>cflowd>volume>template# info
                        field-selection dynamic
                            field "aaApp"
                            field "aaAppGrp"
                            field "hostName"