Configuring an application filter

An operator can use an application filter to define applications based on ALU protocol signatures and a set of configurable parameters like IP flow setup direction, IP protocol number, server IP address and server TCP/UDP port. An application filter references an application configured as previously shown.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure an application filter entry:

config>app-assure>group>policy# app-filter
    entry entry-id [create]
        application application-name
        description description-string
        expression expr-index expr-type {eq | neq} expr-string
        flow-setup-direction {subscriber-to-network | network-to-subscriber | both}
        ip-protocol-num {eq | neq} protocol-id
        network-address {eq | neq} ip-address
        network-address {eq | neq} ip-prefix-list ip-prefix-list-name
        protocol {eq | neq} protocol-signature-name
        server-address {eq | neq} ip-address 
        server-address {eq | neq} dns-ip-cache dns-ip-cache-name 
        server-address {eq | neq} ip-prefix-list ip-prefix-list-name 
        server-port {eq | neq | gt | lt} server-port-number
        server-port {eq | neq} range start-port-num end-port-num
        server-port {eq} {port-num | range start-port-num end-port-num} first-packet-trusted | first-packet-validate}
        no shutdown

The following example displays an application filter configuration:

*A:ALA-48>config>app-assure>group>policy>app-filter# entry 30 create
*A:ALA-48>config>app-assure>group>policy>app-filter>entry# info 
                        description "DNS traffic to local server on expected port #53"
                        protocol eq "dns"
                        flow-setup-direction subscriber-to-network
                        ip-protocol-num eq *
                        server-address eq
                        server-port eq 53
                        application "DNS_Local"
                        no shutdown