Configuring HTTP header enrichment

Use the following CLI syntax to configure an AA HTTP header enrichment policy:

config>app-assure>group> http-enrich <http_enrich_name> [create]
    [no] description <description-string>
    [no] shutdown
    [no] field <field_name> name <header_name>
        // Where ‟Field name” can be:
        // subscriber-ip: Header name for subscriber IP
        // subscriber-id: Header name for the subscriber ID
        // static-string: Header name for inserted string
        // static-string-2: Header name for inserted string
        //imsi: Header name for subscriber IMSI
        //imsi-2: Header name for subscriber IMSI
        //msisdn: Header name for subscriber MSISDN
        //imei-sv: Header name for subscriber IMEI-SV
        //rat-type: Radio Access technology
        //pgw_ggsn-address: Header name for Packet Gateway (GGSN or UPF) IP address serving the UE
        //apn: Header name for APN used by the UE
        //user-location: Header name for UE location(ULI)
        //billing-type: Header name for charging type
        //plmn-id: Public land mobile network ID of the SGSN/MME
        //timestamp: Header name for the timestamp (inserted in unix time format. For example: 1531204313)
        //apn-ni: Header name for APN-NI (Network Identifier) used by the UE
        //msisdn-without-cc: Header name for subscriber MSISDN without country code
        //imei-hyphenated: Subscriber's IMEI with format AABBBBBB-CCCCCC-EE
        //imei-hyphenated-2: Subscriber's IMEI with format AABBBBBB-CCCCCC-EE
        //user-location-raw: Header for ULI in raw format <uli-type1>[+<uli-type2>]=<ULI data in hex> 
        //user-location-raw-2: Header for ULI in raw format <uli-type1>[+<uli-type2>]=<ULI data in hex> 
        //user-location-3gpp: ULI encoded as defined in 3GPP TS2.061
        //static-acr: static ACR
        //dynamic-acr: dynamic ACR
        [no] http-enrich <http_enrich_name>

The following example displays an AA HTTP header enrichment configuration:

*A:BNG>config>app-assure>group# http-enrich enrich_example create
*A:BNG>config>app-assure>group>http-enrich$ description "enrich HTTP headers with 
subscriber IP and subscriber ID"
*A:BNG>config>app-assure>group>http-enrich$ field "static-string" name "x-string"
*A:BNG>config>app-assure>group>http-enrich$ field "static-string" static-string 
*A:BNG>config>app-assure>group>http-enrich$ field "subscriber-id" name "x-subID"
*A:BNG>config>app-assure>group>http-enrich$ field "subscriber-id" anti-spoof
*A:BNG>config>app-assure>group>http-enrich$ field "subscriber-ip" name x-subIP
*A:BNG>config>app-assure>group>http-enrich$ field "subscriber-ip" encode type md5 key 
*A:BNG>config>app-assure>group>http-enrich$ info
                field "static-string"
                    name "x-string"
                    static-string "orange"
                field "subscriber-id"
                    name "x-subID"
                field "subscriber-ip"
                    name "x-subIP"
                    encode type md5 key 
"bF0sZZDNT8DbZoVJHD1vrYr5mJaEggEqWbSvPhgIcPW6hym0sc08O." hash2

In addition, the following show routine displays various HTTP enrichment-related statistics:

show application-assurance group 1 http-enrich "MyTemplate"        
Application Assurance Group 1 HTTP Enrichment "MyTemplate"
Description   : (Not Specified)
Admin Status  : Up
AQP Referenced: No
Name                             Field                            Enabled
subscriber-ip                    MyField                          M
subscriber-id                    Sub-ID                           AC
Group               Enriched                 Not Enriched
1                   0                        0
Total               0                        0