Congestion override policing

As part of Dynamic Experience Management (DEM), congested Access Network Locations (ANLs) or Non-location Based DEM (NLB-DEM) can, if configured, trigger a policing override of the per-subscriber bandwidth policers.

When a subscriber is declared to be in a congestion state, the per-subscriber congestion policer rates are triggered and override any existing per-subscriber policer rates, including time-of-day policer rates. These per-sub congestion policer rates are applied for the duration of time that the subscriber is in a congestion state.

After the subscriber's state is changed to uncongested, the per-subscriber congestion policer rates are no longer applied to the subscriber's traffic. The adjusted policing limits are applied immediately to all subscriber flows.

The per-sub congestion override policers are only applicable to bandwidth policers, both single and dual leaky buckets. They are not applicable to per-subscriber flow count or flow rate policers.

To configure the per-subscriber bandwidth policer override rates, use the following commands: