Multiple NAT policies and SPF configuration considerations

Any Static Port Forward (SPF) can be created only in one pool. This pool, which is referenced through the NAT policy, has to be specified at the SPF creation time, either explicitly through the configuration request or implicitly via defaults.

Explicit requests are submitted either via SAM or via CLI:

tools perform nat port-forwarding-action lsn 
 - lsn create router <router-instance> [b4 <ipv6-address>] [aftr <ipv6-address>] ip <ip-address> protocol {tcp|udp} [port <port>] lifetime <lifetime> [outside-ip <ipv4-address>] [outside-port <port>] [nat-policy <nat-policy-name>]

In the absence of the NAT policy referenced in the SPF creation request, the default nat-policy command under the vprn/router>nat>inside context is used.

The consequence of this is that the operator must know the NAT policy in which the SPF is to be created. The SPF cannot be created via PCP outside of the pool referenced by the default NAT policy, because PCP does not provide means to communicate NAT policy name in the SPF creation request.

The static port forward creation and their use by the subscriber types must follow these rules:

When the last relevant policy for a specific subscriber type is removed from the virtual router, the associated port forwards are automatically deleted.