Non-Location Based DEM (NLB-DEM) operates in any access network, within the scope of a subscriber. As such, no location information is required.

NLB DEM-GW runs a congestion detection algorithm at the subscriber level using its RTT mechanism, independent of the user location information or the location of congestion within the access network (for example, WiFi, fixed wireless, DSL, Cable, and so on). Per-subscriber bandwidth policers, if configured, can be triggered if subscriber traffic congestion is detected.

Unlike WLAN-DEM, NLB-DEM does not offer reporting or actions at the ANL level. However, NLB-DEM still offers per-subscriber policing congestion override and does not require any policy interface to pass location information. This makes NLB-DEM flexible and light weight, allowing NLB-DEM to be deployed in any type of access network.