Protocol shutdown

The protocol shutdown feature provides the ability for signature upgrades without automatically affecting policy behavior, especially if some or even all new signatures are not required for a service. All new signatures are disabled on upgrade by default to ensure no policy/service impact because of the signature update.

All protocols introduced at the R1 stage of a specific release are designated as ‟Parent” signatures for a specific release and cannot be disabled.

Within a major release, all protocols introduced post-R1 of a major release as part of any isa-aa.tim ISSU upgrade are by default shutdown. They must be enabled on a per-protocol basis (system-wide) to take effect.

When shutdown, post R1-introduced protocols do not change AA behavior (app-id, policy, statistics are as before the protocol introduction), for example, traffic maps to the parent protocol on which the new signature is based. In cases where there is more than one parent protocol, all traffic is mapped to a single, most-likely, parent protocol. For example if 80% of a new protocol has traffic mapping to unknown_tcp, and 20% mapping to another protocols, unknown_tcp would be used as parent.

Enabling/disabling of a new protocol takes affect for new flows only. The current status (enabled/shutdown) of a signature and the parent protocol is visible to an operator as part of retrieving protocol information through CLI/SNMP.