Protocol signatures

The set of signatures used to identify protocols is generated by Nokia and included with the AA software load. The signature set includes:

Dynamic upgrades of the signatures in the system are implemented by invoking an admin application-assurance upgrade command and then performing AA ISA activity switches.

The protocol signatures are included in aa-isa.tim software load which is not tightly coupled with software releases allowing for protocol signature updates without upgrading and impacting of routing/forwarding engines as part of an ISSU upgrade that updates only the AA ISA software. See upgrade procedures described in the SR OS R22.x.Rx Software Release Notes for more information.

Because protocol signatures are intended to be the most basic block of Application Identification, other AA components like Application Filters are provided to further customize Protocol Signatures allowing operators to customize their applications and to reduce a need for a new Protocol Signature load when a new Application may need to be identified. This architecture gives operators more flexibility in responding to ever changing needs in application identifications.

Signature upgrade without a router upgrade is allowed within a major router release independently of system ISSU limits. An AA ISA signature upgrade is supported before the first ISSU router release (for example, operators can upgrade signatures for pre-ISSU minor releases).

In addition, any router release from ISSU introduction release can run any newer aa-isa.tim image within the same major release by performing an aa-isa.tim single step upgrade. For example, Release 8.4 may be upgraded in a single step to run Release 8.14 of isa-aa.tim.

Each protocol, except internal protocols used for special-case processing statistic gathering (cut-though, for example), can be referenced in the definition of one or multiple applications (through the App-Filter definition). Assignment of a supported protocol to an app-filter or application is not mandatory. Protocols not assigned to an application are automatically mapped by the system to the default Unknown application.