The above-CIR parameters define which port priority level the policer, queue, or scheduler should be associated with when receiving bandwidth for the above-CIR offered load of the policer, queue, or scheduler. The above-CIR offered load is the amount of bandwidth the queue, policer, or scheduler could use that is equal to or less than its defined PIR value (based on the queue, policer, or scheduler rate command) less any bandwidth that was given to the queue, policer, or scheduler during the above-CIR scheduler pass. The parameters that control above-CIR bandwidth allocation are the port-parent commands level and weight keywords. The level keyword defines the port priority level that the policer, scheduler, or queue uses to receive bandwidth for its above-CIR offered load. The weight is used when multiple policers, queues, or schedulers exist at the same port priority level for above-CIR bandwidth. The weight defines the relative ratio that is used to distribute bandwidth at the priority level when more above-CIR offered load exists than the port priority level has bandwidth.
config>qos# scheduler-policy scheduler-policy-name
tier {1 | 2 | 3}
scheduler scheduler-name
port-parent [level priority-level] [weight
priority-weight] [cir-level cir-priority-level]
[cir-weight cir-priority-weight]
sap-egress sap-egress-policy-id [create]
queue queue-id [{auto-expedite | best-effort |
expedite}] [priority-mode | profile-mode] [create]
port-parent [level priority-level] [weight
priority-weight] [cir-level cir-priority-level]
[cir-weight cir-priority-weight]
policer policer-id [create]
port-parent [level priority-level] [weight
priority-weight] [cir-level cir-priority level]
[cir-weight cir-priority-weight]
network-queue network-queue-policy-name [create]
no network-queue network-queue-policy-name
queue queue-id [multipoint] [{auto-expedite | best-
effort | expedite}] [priority-mode | profile-mode]
port-parent [level priority-level] [weight
priority-weight] [cir-level cir-priority-level]
[cir-weight cir-priority-weight]