All queues, policers, and schedulers on a port that has a port-based scheduler policy configured are subject to bandwidth allocation through the port-based schedulers. All queues, policers, and schedulers that are not configured with a scheduler parent are considered to be orphaned when port-based scheduling is in effect. This includes access and network queue schedulers at the SAP, multiservice site, subscriber and port level.
By default, orphaned queues, policers, and schedulers are allocated bandwidth after all queues, policers, and schedulers in the parented hierarchy have had bandwidth allocated within-CIR and above-CIR. Therefore, an orphaned scheduler, policer, or queue can be considered as being foster parented by the port scheduler. Orphaned queues, policers, and schedulers have an inherent port scheduler association as shown below:
Within-CIR priority = 1
Within-CIR weight = 0
Above-CIR priority = 1
Above-CIR weight = 0
The above-CIR weight = 0 value is only used for orphaned policers, queues, and schedulers on port scheduler enabled egress ports. The system interprets weight = 0 as priority level 0 and only distributes bandwidth to level 0 when all other properly parented queues, policers, and schedulers have received bandwidth. Orphaned queues, policers, and schedulers all have equal priority to the remaining port bandwidth.
The default orphan behavior can be overridden for each port scheduler policy by using the orphan override command. The orphan override command accepts the same parameters as the port parent command. When the orphan override command is executed, all orphan queues, policers, and schedulers are treated in a similar fashion as other properly parented queues, policers, and schedulers based on the override parenting parameters.
It is expected that an orphan condition is not the wanted state for a queue, policer, or scheduler and is the result of a temporary configuration change or configuration error.