H-QoS algorithm selection

The default port scheduler H-QoS algorithm distributes bandwidth to its members by performing two allocation passes, one within CIR and one above CIR. Within each pass, it loops through the bandwidth distribution logic for its members by allocating bandwidth that is either consumed or unconsumed by each member (based on the member offered rate).

A second algorithm allows user control of the amount of bandwidth in excess of the offered rate that is given to a queue. In this algorithm, the unconsumed bandwidth is only distributed at the end of each pass and not during the loops within the pass. The algorithm is configured within the port scheduler configuration as follows:

configure qos port-scheduler-policy hqos-algorithm above-offered-allowance-control

When the above-offered-allowance-control H-QoS algorithm is selected, the port scheduler is supported on both Ethernet Vports and Ethernet physical ports with queues and schedulers parented to the port scheduler.

The distribution of unconsumed bandwidth for parented queues and schedulers is determined by the following parameters in an advanced configuration policy (see Port scheduler above offered allowance control):

            unconsumed-agg-rate percent <percent-of-unconsumed-agg-rate>
            delta-consumed-agg-rate percent <percent-of-delta-consumed-agg-rate>
            unconsumed-higher-tier-rate percent <percent-of-unconsumed-higher-tier-rate>
            delta-consumed-higher-tier-rate percent <percent-of-delta-consumed-high-tier-rate>

The distribution of unconsumed bandwidth can be configured separately for aggregate rates (applied at the egress of a SAP or subscriber profile) and higher-tier rates (Vport aggregate rate and port scheduler level, group, and maximum rates). This is useful because there are normally only a few members of an aggregate rate but likely more members of a Vport or port scheduler.

For the aggregate and all higher-tier rates, the algorithm uses:

The algorithm takes the maximum of the consumed bandwidth and delta of consumed bandwidth for each of the aggregate rate and higher-tier rates. Then the algorithm uses the minimum of these rates to set the queue or scheduler operational PIR. See Table: Default values of the percentages for information about the default values for the percentages.