Parental association scope

A port-parent command in the sap-egress and network-queue QoS policy policer or queue context defines the direct child/parent association between an egress policer or queue and a port scheduler priority level. The port-parent command is mutually exclusive to the already-existing scheduler-parent or parent command, which associates a policer or queue with a scheduler at the SAP, multiservice site, or subscriber or multiservice site profile level. It is possible to mix local parented (parent to service or subscriber or multiservice site level scheduler) and port parented policers and queues with schedulers on the same egress port.

The port-parent command only accepts a child/parent association to the eight priority levels on a port scheduler hierarchy. Similar to the local parent command, two associations are supported: one for within-CIR bandwidth (cir-level) and a second one for above-CIR bandwidth (level). The within-CIR association is optional and can be disabled by using the default within-CIR weight value of 0. If a policer or queue with a defined parent port is on a port without a port scheduler policy applied, that policer or queue is considered orphaned. If a policer or queue with a scheduler-parent or parent command is defined on a port and the named scheduler is not found due a missing scheduler policy or a missing scheduler of that name, the policer or queue is considered orphaned as well.

A queue or policer can be moved from a local parent (on the SAP, multiservice site, or subscriber or multiservice site profile) to a port parent priority level simply by executing the port-parent command. When the port-parent command is executed, any local parent information for the policer or queue is lost. The policer or queue can also be moved back to a local scheduler-parent or parent at any time by executing the scheduler-parent or parent command. Lastly, the local scheduler parent, parent, or port parent association can be removed at any time by using the no form of the appropriate parent command.