IPv6 exception entry matching criteria

Within an exception filter policy, configure exception entries that contain criteria against which ingress and network traffic is matched. Packets that match the entry criteria are allowed to transit the IPsec domain in clear text.

Use the following CLI syntax to configure IPv6 exception filter matching criteria:

- config>filter# ipv6-exception exception-id
        - entry entry-id [create]
            - description description-string 
            - match 
                - dst-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length | ipv6-address | ipv6-prefix-list prefix-list-name}
                - dst-port {lt | gt | eq} dst-port-number
                - dst-port range dst-port-number dst-port-number
                - icmp-code icmp-code
                - icmp-type icmp-type
                - src-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length | ipv6-address | ipv6-prefix-list prefix-list-name}
                - src-port {lt | gt | eq} src-port-number
                - src-port range src-port-number src-port-number
- config>filter>ipv6-except# entry 1 create
    - config>filter>ipv6-except>entry# match
    - config>filter>ipv6-except>entry>match# src-ip 2001:db8::1/128
    - config>filter>ipv6-except>entry>match# dst-ip 2001:db8::2/128
    - config>filter>ipv6-except>entry>match# exit

The following example displays a matching configuration.

A:domain1>config>filter>ipv6-exception# info
            description "exception-main"
            entry 1
                    dst-ip 2001:db8::1/128
                    src-ip 2001:db8::2/128