Accounting files

When a policy has been created and applied to a service or network port, the accounting file is stored on the compact flash in a compressed XML file format. The router creates two directories on the compact flash to store the files. The following output displays a directory named act-collect that holds accounting files that are open and actively collecting statistics. The directory named act stores the files that have been closed and are awaiting retrieval.

ALA-1>file cf1:\# dir act*
12/19/2006 06:08a      <DIR>          act-collect
12/19/2006 06:08a      <DIR>          act

ALA-1>file cf1:\act-collect\ # dir
Directory of cf1:\act-collect#

12/23/2006 01:46a      <DIR>          .
12/23/2006 12:47a      <DIR>          ..
12/23/2006 01:46a                 112 act1111-20031223-014658.xml.gz
12/23/2006 01:38a                 197 act1212-20031223-013800.xml.gz

Accounting files always have the prefix "act" followed by the accounting policy ID, log ID, and timestamp. The accounting log file naming and log file policy properties like rollover and retention are described in more detail in Log files.