Configuring dial-out telemetry

The dial-out telemetry configuration process includes the following elements:

sensor group
specifies one or more schema paths from which data is streamed to the collector
destination group
specifies the destination addresses (and ports) that the router uses to send the telemetry data
persistent subscription
associates a sensor group with a destination group and specifies streaming parameters for the telemetry data. For example, the subscription mode can be specified (ON_CHANGE, SAMPLE, or TARGET_DEFINED) for the subscription.

Dial-out telemetry can be configured via the MD-CLI or the classic CLI. For more information about using the MD-CLI, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and 7950 XRS MD-CLI User Guide. For more information about the MD-CLI configuration commands, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR MD-CLI Command Reference Guide.

For more information about the classic CLI configuration commands, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Classic CLI Command Reference Guide and the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Clear, Monitor, Show, and Tools Command Reference Guide.

The following example shows a sample dial-out telemetry configuration in the MD-CLI:

[ex:/configure system telemetry]
A:admin@node-2# info
    destination-group "quick_cfg_dg_1" {
        description "Destination Group 1"
        destination port 40001 {
            router-instance "Base"
        destination port 40002 {
            router-instance "Base"
    persistent-subscriptions {
        subscription "quick_cfg_sub_1" {
            admin-state enable
            description "Subscription 1"
            sensor-group "quick_cfg_sg"
            mode sample
            sample-interval 1234
            destination-group "quick_cfg_dg_1"
            originated-qos-marking cp19
            encoding bytes
    sensor-groups {
        sensor-group "quick_cfg_sg" {
            description "Sensor Group"
            path "/state/router[router-name=Base]/interface[interface-name=test]/
statistics/ip" { }

The following sample outputs show telemetry information using the show command:

*A:node-2>show>system>telemetry>persistent# subscription "quick_cfg_sub_2"
Telemetry persistent subscription
Subscription Name     : quick_cfg_sub_2
Administrative State  : Enabled
Operational State     : Up
Subscription Id       : 198
Description           :
Sensor Group          : quick_cfg_sg_2
Destination Group     : quick_cfg_dg_2
Path Mode             : sample
Sample Interval       : 1000 ms
Encoding              : bytes
*A:node-2>show>system>telemetry>persistent# subscription "quick_cfg_sub_2" paths
Telemetry persistent subscriptionrsistent# subscription "quick_cfg_sub_2" paths
Subscription Name     : quick_cfg_sub_1nt# subscription "quick_cfg_sub_2" paths
Administrative State  : Enabled
Operational State     : Up
Subscription Id       : 198
Description           :
Sensor Group          : quick_cfg_sg_2
Destination Group     : quick_cfg_dg_2
Path Mode             : sample
Sample Interval       : 1000 ms
Encoding              : bytes
Path                  : /state
Finished Samples      : 178
Deferred Samples      : 402
Total Collection Time : 405223 ms
Min Collection Time   : 2021 ms
Avg Collection Time   : 2276 ms
Max Collection Time   : 2956 ms
No. of paths          : 1
*A:node-2>show>system>telemetry>persistent# subscription "quick_cfg_sub_2" 
Telemetry persistent subscription
Subscription Name     : quick_cfg_sub_2
Administrative State  : Enabled
Operational State     : Up
Subscription Id       : 198
Description           :
Sensor Group          : quick_cfg_sg_2
Destination Group     : quick_cfg_dg_2
Path Mode             : sample
Sample Interval       : 1000 ms
Encoding              : bytes
Destination           :
Port                  : 40001
Operational State     : Down
Last Oper Down Reason : MINOR: TELEMETRY #2353: RPC refused by peer
Last Oper Change      : 2020/04/06 21:19:29
Connection Attempts   : 22
Notification Count    : 0
Total Notification Co*: 2315653
Destination           :
Port                  : 40002
Operational State     : Up
Last Oper Down Reason : MINOR: TELEMETRY #2356: Canceled by config change
Oper Router Instance  : management
Last Oper Change      : 2020/04/06 21:19:30
Connection Attempts   : 22
Notification Count    : 3783151
Total Notification Co*: 5034573
No. of destinations   : 2
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.