
To <copy-config> BOF configurations, the ‟bof” <configuration-region> must be specified within the <copy-config> RPC <source> and <target>. For example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rpc message-id="101" xmlns:nc="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">

When <copy-config> RPC is used with the ‟bof” <configuration-region>, only the following combinations are supported:

To <copy-config> LI configurations, the ‟li” <configuration-region> must be specified within the <copy-config> RPC <source> and <target>. When the <configuration-region> is ‟li” or ‟bof”, SR OS can only <copy-config> from the <running> datastore to the <startup> datastore. For example:


Performing a <copy-config> between datastores from different <configuration-region> is not allowed. Mismatching the source or target <configuration-region> causes SR OS to return an error.

Alternatively, the <target>/<source> can be specified in the format of ‟configuration-region”-‟datastore”. For example:


When both the <configuration-region> and the ‟configuration-region”-‟datastore” format are used, SR OS applies the last tag used in the XML request. For example:


In the preceding example, the <copy-config> is used to copy the configuration data from the ‟li” <running> datastore to the ‟li” <startup> datastore.

See Table: Protocol operations and level of support in Nokia SR OS NETCONF servers for more details.