Datastores and regions

As described in RFC 8342 a datastore is a conceptual place to store and access information. A datastore maps to an instantiated YANG data tree. See RFC 8342 for more information about datastores.

SR OS supports conventional configuration datastores (for example, running and candidate) as well as some proprietary datastores (for example, li-running).

SR OS also has a proprietary concept called a region (or configuration region). The set of branches and elements in the configure branch of the CLI are all located in the primary configuration region simply called configure. The majority of SR OS configuration is in the configuration region including ports, interfaces, services and filters. Examples of other regions are:

Each region has its own configuration datastores (running, candidate, and so on). The saved configuration for each region is stored in a separate file on compact flash or remotely (for example, bof.cfg, debug.cfg, config.cfg, li.cfg). Regions are independently locked for configuration changes. See the output of show system management-interface datastore-locks in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR Clear, Monitor, Show, and Tools Command Reference Guide for an example of per-region per-datastore information.