Editing configuration

Python data structures, in pySROS format, and specific values within the data structures can be configured on an SR OS device.

The set() method is provided to configure a node. The set() method aggregates several model-driven transactional operations into a single method:

The set() method accepts as input a JSON instance path, a datastore, and a payload. The payload may be a single value, a key and value pair, a crafted Python data structure following the pySROS data-structure format, or a pySROS data structure object received from a get() method call.

The following examples show how to set the system name to ‟hostname”.

connection_object.candidate.set("/nokia-conf:configure/system/name", "hostname")
connection_object.candidate.set("/nokia-conf:configure/system", {‛name’:‛hostname’})
conf:configure", {‛system’: {‛name’: ‛hostname’}})