Event control

Event control pre-processes the events generated by applications before the event is passed into the main event stream. Event control assigns a severity to application events and can either forward the event to the main event source or suppress the event. Suppressed events are counted in event control, but these events do not generate log entries as it never reaches the log manager.

Simple event throttling is another method of event control and is configured similarly to the generation and suppression options. See Simple logger event throttling.

Events are assigned a default severity level in the system, but the application event severities can be changed by the user.

Application events contain an event number and description that describes why the event is generated. The event number is unique within an application, but the number can be duplicated in other applications.

The following example, generated by querying event control for application generated events, displays a partial list of event numbers and names.

router# show log event-control
Log Events
 ID#    Event Name                       P   g/s     Logged     Dropped

   2001 bgpEstablished                   MI  gen          1           0
   2002 bgpBackwardTransition            WA  gen          7           0
   2003 tBgpMaxPrefix90                  WA  gen          0           0
   2001 cflowdCreated                    MI  gen          1           0
   2002 cflowdCreateFailure              MA  gen          0           0
   2003 cflowdDeleted                    MI  gen          0           0
   2001 cardFailure                      MA  gen          0           0
   2002 cardInserted                     MI  gen          4           0
   2003 cardRemoved                      MI  gen          0           0

L  2001 traceEvent                       MI  gen          0           0
   2001 filterPBRPacketsDropped          MI  gen          0           0
   2001 vRtrIgmpIfRxQueryVerMismatch     WA  gen          0           0
   2002 vRtrIgmpIfCModeRxQueryMismatch   WA  gen          0           0
L  2001 clearRTMError                    MI  gen          0           0
L  2002 ipEtherBroadcast                 MI  gen          0           0
L  2003 ipDuplicateAddress               MI  gen          0           0
   2001 vRtrIsisDatabaseOverload         WA  gen          0           0