NETCONF notifications

NETCONF notifications support is a standard IETF asynchronous notification delivery service for NETCONF that is specified in RFC 5277. SR OS allows log events to be output as NETCONF notifications. NETCONF is one of the output options for an event log (along with SNMP, syslog, and others).

The :notification capability and the :interleave capability are advertised in the SR OS NETCONF server <hello> as:

<capability>urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:notification:1.0</capability> <capability>urn:ietf:params:netconf:capability:interleave:1.0</capability>

The following are characteristics of the NETCONF notifications capabilities supported in SR OS:

In a <create-subscription>, a <filter> is an optional argument that is not supported by SR OS.

In a <create-subscription>, a <startTime> is an optional argument. This argument triggers the starting time of a replay. If it is not present, the subscription cannot be used to replay. A <startTime> cannot specify a time that is later than the current time (that is, in the future). SR OS supports timezones.

In a <create-subscription>, a <stopTime> is another optional argument. If this argument is not present, notifications continue to be sent until the subscription is terminated. A <stopTime> can specify a time that is later than the current time (that is, in the future). SR OS supports timezones.

A replay buffer is maintained by the SR OS server (per stream) and sorted by the order they were initially sent out (that is, by sequence-id, and not by timestamps).