NETCONF operations using the md-cli-raw-command request

The md-cli-raw-command request allows a NETCONF client to execute a wide set of operations on the SR OS router.

The command input string accepts a command in the exact format as it would be entered in the MD-CLI. For example:

<rpc message-id="101" xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0">
  <action xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:1">
    <global-operations xmlns="">
        <md-cli-input-line>clear router Base interface system statistics</md-cli-input-line>

Other examples of commands that can be used as input strings include:

The SR OS NETCONF server workflow to process the md-cli-raw-command request is the following.

  1. Open a new temporary MD-CLI session (with the same username as the NETCONF session).

  2. Pass the input command to the MD-CLI engine.

  3. Return the MD-CLI output to the NETCONF client as an unstructured block of text in the <rpc-reply> message.

The MD-CLI context for the operation is the root and the MD-CLI executes the command in operational mode, which is similar to a user newly logged into an MD-CLI session.

Interactive commands, or commands that prompt for input, are not supported and result in an error. For example, using ‟admin reboot” as an input string fails. Using ‟admin reboot now” is accepted. Other examples of interactive commands that are not supported include:

The cli-engine command controls the engines allowed to process the input. Because the starting context for any md-cli-raw-command is the root of the MD-CLI engine, any configuration value that does not allow md-cli access causes md-cli-raw-command requests to fail. Access to classic CLI commands through the md-cli-raw-command (for example, commands starting with ‟//”) requires access to both md-cli and classic-cli. Changes to the cli-engine configuration only take effect on raw-md-cli-command in NETCONF sessions that are started after the cli-engine configuration was changed.

Only a single operation is supported as the input to the md-cli-raw-command request. Multiple operations require multiple NETCONF RPCs.

The md-cli-raw-command request is not intended as a mechanism to read structured state data or to manage basic configuration. The YANG-modeled configuration and state data is managed and accessed using standard NETCONF operations, such as <edit-config>, <get-config>, and <get>.

The following MD-CLI commands and similar commands are not supported as input strings for md-cli-raw-command:

Unstructured state information can be retrieved using md-cli-raw-command, for example, with show or tools dump commands as the input string. The output returned, however, is an unstructured block of text. Structured state information can be retrieved using the standard NETCONF <get> operation.