Shutdown in-band port

A shutdown on the in-band port that the trap-target address is bound to causes the route to that particular trap target to be removed from the route table. When the SNMP module is notified of this event, it marks the trap-target as inaccessible and saves the sequence-id of the first SNMP notification that is missed by the trap-target. The following is an example:

config>log>snmp-trap-group# exit all 
#configure port 1/1/1 shutdown 
# tools perform log test-event 

The Replay from field is updated with the sequence-id of the first event that is replayed when the trap-target address is added back to the route table.

*A:SetupCLI# show log snmp-trap-group 44
SNMP Trap Group 44
Description : none
Name        : xyz-test
Address     :
Port        : 162
Version     : v2c
Community   : xyztesting
Sec. Level  : none
Replay      : enabled
Replay from : event #3819
Last replay : never
Name        : test2
Address     :
Port        : 162
Version     : v2c
Community   : xyztesting
Sec. Level  : none
Replay      : disabled
Replay from : n/a
Last replay : never

A display of the event log indicates which trap targets are not accessible and waiting for notification replay and the sequence ID of the first notification that is replayed.

Note: If there are more missed events than the log size, the replay actually starts from the first available missed event.
*A:SetupCLI# show log log-id 44
Event Log 44
SNMP Log contents  [size=100   next event=3821  (wrapped)]
Cannot send to SNMP target address
Waiting to replay starting from event #3819

3820 2008/04/22 23:41:28.00 UTC INDETERMINATE: LOGGER #2011 Base Event Test
"Test event has been generated with system object identifier tmnxModelSR12Reg.
System description: TiMOS-B-0.0.private both/i386 Nokia 7750 SR Copyright (c) 
2000-2016 Nokia. All rights reserved. All use subject to applicable license
agreements. Built on Tue Apr 22 14:41:18 PDT 2008 by test123 in /test123/ws/panos/

3819 2008/04/22 23:41:20.37 UTC WARNING: MC_REDUNDANCY #2022 Base operational state
 of peer chan*
"The MC-Ring operational state of peer changed to outOfService."

3818 2008/04/22 23:35:39.89 UTC WARNING: SYSTEM #2009 Base IP
"Status of vRtrIfTable: router Base (index 1) interface xyz-test (index 35) changed 
administrative state: inService, operational state: inService"

3823 2008/04/22 23:41:49.82 UTC WARNING: SNMP #2005 Base xyz-test
"Interface xyz-test is operational"