Subscribe RPC

The subscribe RPC is part of the telemetry support in gNMI.

A subscription is initiated from the gRPC client by sending a Subscribe RPC that contains a "SubscribeRequest" message to the gRPC server. A prefix can be specified to be used with all paths specified in the "SubscribeRequest". If a prefix is present, it is appended to the start of every path to provide a full path.

A subscription contains:

When a subscription is successfully initiated on the gRPC server, ‟SubscribeReponse” messages are sent from the gRPC server to the gRPC client. The ‟SubscribeResponse” message contains update notifications about the subscription's path list.

An update notification contains:

Multiple notification messages can be combined in a single ‟SubscribeResponse” message. This bundling minimizes overhead, which improves the efficiency of telemetry data transport, however, this may delay some notifications and timestamps may be less accurate. The following parameters control message bundling:

controls the maximum time during which notifications can be bundled
controls the maximum number of notifications that can be bundled

A sync response notification is sent one time after the gRPC server sends all updates for the subscribed-to paths. The sync response must be set to ‟true” for the gRPC client to consider that the stream has synced one time. A sync response is used to signal the gRPC client that it has a full view of the subscribed-to data.

The gRPC server sends an error, if required. The error contains a description of the problem.

Authorization checks are not performed by default for telemetry data. All configuration and state elements are available to authenticated telemetry subscriptions, with the exception of LI (Lawful Intercept) configuration and state elements, which are authorized separately based on the LI authorization configuration. To control telemetry data authorization, use the classic CLI configure>system>security>managment-interface>output-authorization> telemetry-data command or the MD-CLI configure system security aaa management-interface output-authorization telemetry-data command.