This section provides a list of valid examples to trigger log events using EHS syntax in classic CLI.
configure service epipe $serviceID
where $serviceID is either a local (static) integer variable or passed-in (dynamic) integer variable
echo srcAddr is $srcAddr
where $srcAddr is a passed-in (dynamic) string variable
.set $ipAddr = ""
where $ipAddr is a local (static) string variable
.set $ipAddr = $srcAddr
where $srcAddr is a passed-in (dynamic) string variable
$ipAddr is a local (static) string variable.
.set ($customerID = 50)
where $customerID is a local (static) integer variable
.set ($totalPackets = $numIngrPackets + $numEgrPackets)
where $totalPackets, $numIngrPackets, $numEgrPackets are local (static) integer variables
.set ($portDescription = $portName + $portLocation)
where $portDescription, $portName, $portLocation are local (static) string variables
if ($srcAddr == "CONSOLE") {
.else {
.} endif
where $srcAddr is a passed-in (dynamic) string variable
CLI_commands_set1 is a set of one or more CLI commands
CLI_commands_set2 is a set of one or more CLI commands
.if ($customerId == 10) {
.else {
.} endif
where $customerID is a passed-in (dynamic) integer variable CLI_commands_set1 is a set of one or more CLI commands
CLI_commands_set2 is a set of one or more CLI commands
.if ($numIngrPackets == $numEgrPackets) {
.else {
.} endif
where $numIngrPackets and $numEgrPackets are local (static) integer variables
CLI_commands_set1 is a set of one or more CLI commands
CLI_commands_set2 is a set of one or more CLI commands