Application Assurance support

To support Application Assurance (AA) with DSM, an AA group needs to be linked to a WLAN-GW group. By default, every ISA configured in the WLAN-GW, including standby ISAs, requires a counterpart in the AA group. In case AA is only required for a subset of UEs, an oversubscription factor can be configured. With an oversubscription factor of N, each AA ISA can serve up to N WLAN-GW ISAs, including standby ISAs.

When oversubscription is used, the maximum number of AA-enabled UEs per WLAN-GW ISA is the maximum number of UEs for that ISA divided by the oversubscription factor.

AA is enabled per-UE by provisioning an application profile to the UE. A default profile can be provisioned under a vlan-range, or a specific profile can be signaled using RADIUS.

When an ISA AA fails, the corresponding BB ISAs continue to forward traffic without AA functionality. After the AA ISA recovers, AA is enabled again for those UEs.

For more information about how to configure AA, see the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and VSR Multiservice ISA and ESA Guide.