Applying aggregate rate limit to a Vport

The user can apply an aggregate rate limit to the Vport and apply a port scheduler policy to the port.

This model allows the user to oversubscribe the Ethernet port. The application of the agg-rate option is mutually exclusive to the application of a port scheduler policy, or a scheduler policy to a Vport.

When using this model, a subscriber host queue with the port-parent option enabled is scheduled within the context of the port’s port scheduler policy. However, the user must still indicate to the system that the queues are managed by the aggregate rate limit instance of a Vport by enabling the vport-scheduler option in the subscriber host SLA profile:

CLI syntax:

config>subscr-mgmt>sla-profile>egress>qos sap-egress-qos-policy-id vport-scheduler

A subscriber host-queue which is port-parented is parented to the port scheduler policy of the port used by the subscriber and aggregate rate limited within the instance of the Vport used by this subscriber and which is based on matching the dest string and org string.

If the specified subscriber host queue does not have the port-parent option enabled, it is foster-parented to the port used by this subscriber and aggregate rate limited within the instance of the Vport used by this subscriber. If the Vport exists but the port does not have a port scheduler policy applied, then the host queue is orphaned and no aggregate rate limit can be enforced.