Category map and categories

This feature uses an object category-map which defines individual aggregates (such as data in and out, video and data, and so on) and their mapping to individual forwarding queues.

The following output depicts a category-map configured in the subscriber management context.

*A:ALA-48>config>subscr-mgmt# info
        category-map "triple-play" create
            category "data" create
                queue 1 ingress-egress
            category "video" create
                queue 2 egress-only
            category "voice" create
                queue 3 ingress-egress
        category-map "aggr-subscriber-service" create
            category "data-services" create
                queue 1 ingress-egress
                queue 3 egress-only

Based on a category-map the system gathers usage information (volume/time) on a per-sla-instance-per-category basis. To do so, statistics of all queues and policers forming the category of the specified sla-instance are aggregated.

The per-category usage gathered as described above is compared with per-subscriber-host-per-category credit and when credit is exhausted several actions can be taken.

There are several category-maps pre-configured on the system. The category-map applicable to a specific subscriber-host is derived at the host creation from the RADIUS VSA in an authentication-response, Python script, or static configuration in the local-user-database. All subscriber-hosts belonging to the same subscriber and created on the same SAP (therefore, sharing the same sla-instance) must use the same category-map. In case of conflict, (an existing subscriber host has a different category-map than the one derived for the new host) the category-map of the last host is applied to a specific sla-instance. As a consequence, all previous information related to the status of the credit is lost.

There can be multiple queues and policers aggregated into one category. There can be up to sixteen categories in a category map.