Containing group IP interface information

The containing group IP interface information is the information about the group IP interface that contains the SRRP instance. The information includes the name of the group IP interface, the list of all SAPs created on the group IP interface, the administrative and operational state of each SAP and the MCS key and the peering destination IP address associated with each SAP. To obtain the MCS information, the SRRP instance queries MCS to determine the peering association of the SRRP instance and then queries MCS for each SAP on the group IP interface. If the local SRRP instance is associated with a different MCS peering than any of the SAPs or if one or more SAPs are not tied to an MCS peering, an SRRP group interface SAP peering mismatch event is generated detailing the SRRP instance ID, and the group IP interface name.

When receiving the remote containing group IP interface information, the local node compares the received SAP information with the local group IP interface SAP information. If a local SAP is not included in the SAP information or a remote SAP is not included in the local group IP interface, an SRRP Remote SAP mismatch event is generated detailing the SRRP instance ID and the local and remote group IP interface names. If a received SAP’s MCS key does not match a local SAP's MCS Key, an SRRP SAP MCS key mismatch event is generated detailing the SRRP instance ID, the local and remote group IP interface names, the SAP-ID and the local and remote MCS keys.