DHCPv4/v6 re-authentication and RADIUS CoA interactions with Gx

If re-authentication for DHCPv4/v6 hosts is enabled, any policy changes that may be submitted during re-authentication (for example sla-profile update via Access-Accept) overwrites the one previously applied, regardless of the source of the policy update. For example, if that the Gx policy is applied to a subscriber host via RAR (mid-session policy update) and then later an overlapping policy with different values is submitted via RADIUS or LUDB during the re-authentication phase, the RADIUS/LUDB submitted policy overwrites the one applied via Gx. In other words, the origin of the current policy in effect is not maintained internally in the system and therefore the overlapping policy update cannot be prioritized according to the source of the policy.

The following guidelines should be followed if the policy is provided via Gx:

These guidelines are not applicable for PPPoE subscriber-hosts because re-authentication cannot be enabled for PPPoE hosts. Consequently, LUDB or RADIUS parameters cannot override Gx provided parameters.

Coexistence of RADIUS CoA and Gx for the same host is allowed. The two policy change mechanisms are independent of each other and therefore, they can override each other. For example, if the RADIUS CoA for policy change for the host is received, the policy is updated but the PCRF (Gx) is not notified of the change. If both policy management mechanisms are deployed simultaneously, then it is the operator’s responsibility to synchronize the actions between the two.