The call flows for DHCPv6 lease split are similar to DHCPv4 lease split.

As shown in the following output, in a single DHCPv6 transaction, both IA_NA and IA_PD Identity Association (IA) types can be present, each with their associated timers (renew time T1, rebind time T2, preferred lifetime, and valid lifetime).

 Option : IA_NA (3), Length : 40
         IAID : 0
         Time1: 1800 seconds
         Time2: 2880 seconds
         Option : IAADDR (5), Length : 24
           Address : 2001:db8:100::1
           Preferred Lifetime : 3600 seconds
           Valid Lifetime     : 4500 seconds
       Option : IA_PD (25), Length : 41
         IAID : 1
         Time1: 1800 seconds
         Time2: 2880 seconds
         Option : IAPREFIX (26), Length : 25
           Prefix : 2001:db8:d201::/64
           Preferred Lifetime : 3600 seconds
           Valid Lifetime     : 4500 seconds

DHCPv6 lease split actions are always identical for all leases in the transaction:

The following output shows an example of a DHCP6 relay configuration.

configure service ies service-id subscriber-interface ip-int-name group-
interface ip-int-name
--- snip ---
                    valid-lifetime min 15
                    no shutdown
                server 2001:db8::1
                no shutdown

Use the following command to verify whether DHCPv6 lease split is active.

# /show service id 1000 dhcp6 lease-state detail
DHCP lease states for service 1000
--- snip ---
Remaining Lease Time : 0d 00:12:07 (Lease Split)
--- snip ---
Dhcp6 Server Addr    : 2001:db8::3
--- snip ---
Lease Info origin    : DHCP
ServerLeaseStart     : 12/15/2020 11:13:22
ServerLastRenew      : 12/15/2020 11:13:22
ServerLeaseEnd       : 12/15/2020 12:20:02