DHCPv6 and SLAAC support can be configured per VLAN range. Authentication can be triggered by a Router Solicit, DHCPv6, or DHCP packet but is only triggered only one time per UE. Each UE can be assigned a unique DHCPv6 IA_NA address (/128) or SLAAC prefix (/64) from the ISA pools. The IPv6 pools are installed by the centralized pool manager. SLAAC privacy extensions are supported and up to three /128 SLAAC addresses can be learned via either Duplicate Address Detection or upstream data. Wholesale/retail is supported (IPv6 only) both by RADIUS and per vlan-range CLI, the applicable pool is selected from the retailer service. ESM and DSM IPv6 are not supported in the same vlan-range context.

A:system>config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>wlan-gw>ranges>range# info
                                    active-preferred-lifetime hrs 1
                                    active-valid-lifetime hrs 1
                                    no shutdown
                                    active-preferred-lifetime hrs 1
                                    active-valid-lifetime hrs 1
                                    no shutdown

Configuration of other DHCPv6/SLAAC parameters, such as server DUID and RA flags is taken from the wlan-gw group-interface configuration. For DSM only the configuration of the wlan-gw group-interface applies, the retailer interface cannot override this configuration.

A:system>config>service>vprn>sub-if>grp-if>ipv6# info
                                server-id duid-en string "example_duid"

A subset of DHCPv6 options retrieved by the pool-manager in the PD process is reflected in DHCPv6 toward the client. For IA_NA leases these are included in the associated DHCPv6 messages. For SLAAC allocations, the DNS option can be reflected in the Router Advertisement and all options can also be reflected in a stateless DHCPv6 Information Reply message.

When using a captive portal, different valid/preferred lifetimes can be configured for authenticated and un-authenticated UEs. The DHCPv6 lease time is equal to the applied valid-lifetime and can be extended via the regular renew process. SLAAC lifetime is equal to the applied valid-lifetime and is extended when sending an RA including the SLAAC prefix. To avoid infinite SLAAC allocations, when sending an unsolicited RA, SHCV is performed for all learned /128 addresses. If SHCV fails for all addresses, the unsolicited RA is not contained the SLAAC prefix and the SLAAC lifetime is not extended.

In redundancy scenarios the new active ISA migrates the leases in the old pools as soon as possible to a lease in the new pools. For SLAAC this is done by sending an unsolicited RA to deprecate the old prefix (lifetimes 0) and include a new prefix. For DHCPv6 this is done during the first Renew, that again deprecates the old address (lifetimes 0) and include a new address in the same IA.