Diameter base

An updated Diameter base has been implemented to improve future enhancements. The advantages that the Diameter base implementation brings about are as follows:

The legacy Diameter base continues to be supported along with the new implementation, although the two cannot be used simultaneously for an application (NASREQ/Gx/Gy) within a given Diameter node instance within the SR OS. Operators are advised to deploy the new Diameter base as there are no plans going forward to add new functionality in the legacy Diameter implementation. Furthermore, the legacy Diameter implementation is scheduled to be discontinued in a future SR OS release, in accordance with the NOKIA software discontinuation policy.

This section describes the operation of the updated Diameter base. The principal difference between the two implementations, from the operator’s point of view, is not only in the functional behavior but also in the CLI. For this reason, the CLI descriptions are provided for both implementations. Some of the CLI commands remain the same for both implementations, and some of the commands are specific to their respective implementation (new or legacy). Each command that is specific to an implementation contains an explicit statement about the implementation to which it pertains.