Diameter debugging

This section describes the debugging capabilities for troubleshooting a Diameter or Diameter application problem.

Debugging should be as specific as possible and limited to relevant messages only. Enabling detailed debugging for all diameter messages on a production node generates a flood of information and is not very helpful in isolating the problem; it can, however, be a valid scenario for lab testing.

Diameter debug output can be limited to:

        diameter-peer "peer-1"

Only messages that match all specified criteria are shown in the debug output.

The diameter debug detail-level command can be set to

low (default)
displays the Diameter message header
displays the Diameter message header and AVPs
displays the Diameter message header, AVPs, and a packet hex dump
        detail-level medium

For a per-diameter peer policy additional criteria can be specified to further restrict the debug output to:

Only messages sent or received on a peer that belongs to the diameter peer policy and matches all specified criteria are shown in the debug output.

To restrict debug output to messages from a diameter session, AVP matching with session learning is required. AVP 263 Session-Id is the only Diameter AVP that is present in all messages of a Diameter session and is dynamically assigned when the Diameter session is initiated. The session ID is not useful to specify as criteria in debugging because its value is unknown upfront. Instead, using AVP matching, it is possible to learn the session ID from Diameter application messages (NASREQ, Gx, and Gy) matching a message type and one or multiple AVP values. All subsequent Diameter application messages that belong to the learned session ID are then included in the debug output, as shown in the following example:

        detail-level medium
        diameter-peer-policy "diam-pol-1"
            avp-match 1 
                avp 25 octetstring ascii value "trace-me"
                avp 10415-1005 octetstring ascii value "sub-id:vip-1"
                message-type cca 
                no shutdown
            avp-match 2 
                avp 443.444 octetstring ascii value "1/1/1:10.20@bng1"
                message-type ccr 
                no shutdown
            message-type ccr cca rar raa
        message-type all

In this configuration, the debug output for Diameter messages is restricted to messages of type ccr, cca, rar, or raa that are sent or received on diameter peer policy ‟diam-pol-1” and that belong to Diameter sessions for which:

The rules for Diameter debug AVP matching are summarized below: