ESM rule-installation failure

This assumes that the rule installation directives are successfully passed from the Gx module to the ESM module and the failure to install rules occurs in the ESM module.

In the Gx override example below, the referenced sla-profile is unknown. Then, all directives passed to the ESM module fails and consequently no rules or overrides are installed. The sub-profile change fails as well although the prem sub-profile is known in the system.

Charging-Rule-Install ::= <AVP Header: 1001>
    Charging-Rule-Name <AVP Header: 1005> = ‟Sub-Profile:prem”
            Charging-Rule-Name <AVP Header: 1005> = ‟Sla-Profile:unknown”

The error reporting flow is as follows:

Similar behavior would be exhibited if the directive is sent to the UM or AA modules. However, ESM, UM, and AA are separate modules and failure to install rules in one module does not affect rule installation in another.