Explicit subscriber profile mapping

An explicit mapping of a subscriber identification string to a specific subscriber profile can be configured.

An explicit mapping overrides all default subscriber profile definitions while processing a DHCP ACK. In an environment where dynamic and static hosts coexist in the context of a single subscriber, do not define a subscriber profile in the explicit subscriber map that conflicts with the subscriber profile provisioned for the static hosts. If such a conflict occurs, the DHCP ACKs are dropped.

An explicit mapping of a subscriber identification string to the subscriber profile name ‛default’ is not allowed. However, it is possible for the subscriber identification string to be entered in the mapping table without a defined subscriber profile which can result in the explicitly defined subscriber to be associated with the subscriber profile named ‛default’.

Attempting to delete a subscriber profile that is currently defined in an explicit subscriber identification string mapping fails.

The explicit mapping entries can be removed at any time.