Insert shared filter entries

The target application for shared filter entries is operators that have a predefined limited number of different filter lists that each are shared with multiple subscriber hosts or sessions and that are to be managed and activated from RADIUS or Diameter at authentication.

A local configured IP or IPv6 filter associated with a host or session (sla-profile or ip filter override) can be enhanced with dynamic filter entries that can be shared with multiple subscriber hosts or sessions. The shared dynamic filter entries are inserted with:

For each unique set of dynamic filter entries received per type (IPv4 or IPv6) and direction (ingress or egress), a copy is made of the local filter with the dynamic entries included at a preconfigured insert point. If the same set of dynamic filter entries is sent to subscriber hosts or sessions that have the same associated local filter, then they share the same filter copy. When there are no more subscriber hosts associated with a filter copy, then the filter copy is deleted. A filter copy is identified as local filter id:number. For example: show filter ip 10:2.

Shared filter entries are moved if the subscriber host filter policy is changed (new SLA profile or ip filter policy override) and if the new filter policy contains enough free reserved entries.

Figure: Insert shared filters

A range of entries must be reserved for shared entries in a filter policy:

   sub-insert-shared-radius start-entry 100 count 10

High and low watermarks can be configured to raise an event when the thresholds of dynamic filter copies are reached:

*A:cses-V22>config>filter>ip-filter# shared-radius-filter-wmark ?
  - no shared-radius-filter-wmark
  - shared-radius-filter-wmark low <low-watermark> high <high-watermark>
 <low-watermark>      : [0..7999]
 <high-watermark>     : [1..8000]

The format used to specify shared filter entries ([26.6527.158] Alc-Nas-Filter-Rule-Shared format or [26.529.242] Ascend-Data-Filter format) cannot change during the lifetime of the subscriber host or session. A RADIUS message can only contain a single format for shared filter entries.

Shared filter entries can be removed with [26.6527.158] Alc-Nas-Filter-Rule-Shared attribute value equal to 0x00 or ‟ ‟ (a space).