Insert subscriber host-specific filter entries

A subscriber host specific entry is a filter entry where the match criteria is automatically extended with the subscriber host IP or IPv6 address as source (ingress) or destination (egress) IP. They represent a per host customization of a generic filter policy: only traffic to or from the subscriber host that match against these entries.

A subscriber host specific entry is dynamically created from

The format used to specify host specific filter entries ([92] NAS-Filter-Rule format or [26.6527.159] Alc-Ascend-Data-Filter-Host-Spec format) cannot change during the lifetime of the subscriber host. A RADIUS message can only contain a single format for host specific filter entries. US message can only contain a single format for host specific filter entries.

Up to 10 host-specific filter rules can be specified in a single RADIUS or Diameter message. Each new RADIUS CoA or Diameter CCA/RAR message containing host specific filter attributes overwrites the previous subscriber host-specific filter entries for that host if there are enough free entries in the reserved range.

Subscriber host-specific filter entries can be removed with a [92] NAS-Filter-Rule attribute value equal to 0x00 or ‟ ‟(a space).

When the subscriber host session terminates or is disconnected, then the corresponding subscriber host-specific filter entries are also deleted.

Note that subscriber host-specific filter entries are moved if the subscriber host filter policy is changed (new SLA profile or IP filter policy override) and the new filter policy contains enough free reserved entries (sub-insert-radius).

A range of entries must be reserved for subscriber host specific entries in a filter policy:

        ip-filter 100 create
            sub-insert-radius start-entry 1000 count 100

High and low watermarks can be configured to raise an event when the thresholds of free entries in the reserved range are reached:

 *A:cses-nokia>config>filter>ip-filter$ sub-insert-wmark ?
    - no sub-insert-wmark
    - sub-insert-wmark low <low-watermark> high <high-watermark>
   <low-watermark>      : [0..100]
   <high-watermark>     : [0..100]