Lawful Intercept on WLAN-GW

Mirroring traffic for WIFI subscribers to a mediation device, when the subscriber is under legal intercept is supported. The mirroring function is performed on the anchor IOM where the subscriber is anchored. Both Ether and IP-only mirror is supported. With Ether mirror, VLAN tags which are part of internal SAP between ISA and IOM, are included in the mirrored Ethernet frame of the subscriber. IP-only mirror includes the IP header and the payload. Conventional IP-only mirror service can be used with direct p2p or MPLS (for remote mirroring) connection to the mediation device. Routable-encapsulation is also supported. Both IP/UDP encapsulation with optional shim-header for subscriber correlation on the mediation device, and IP/GRE encapsulation is supported with routable-encapsulation of mirrored data. LI can be triggered via CLI, SNMPv3 or RADIUS, as supported with ESM. RADIUS triggered LI can be via LI related VSAs in access-accept or in CoA. The CoA is keyed on accounting-session-id. LI is supported for both local and GTP tunneled subscribers.

Existing LI support with ESM is described in the 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, 7950 XRS, and VSR OAM and Diagnostics Guide.