Operational support

The following command shows state of location reporting (enabled/disabled).

*A:Dut-C>config>subscr-mgmt>gtp>peer-profile$ /show subscriber-mgmt gtp 
peer-profile "test"

GTP peer profile "test"
Description                 : (Not Specified)
Retransmit timeout (s)      : 5
Retransmit retries          : 3
Keepalive interval (s)      : 60
Keepalive retries           : 4
Keepalive retry timeout (s) : 5
Time to live                : 255
Interface type              : s2a
Charging char home UE       : (None)
Charging char roaming UE    : (None)
Session hold time (s)       : 30
Report WLAN location        : enabled
Last management change      : 02/21/2014 16:31:12
GGSN uplink GBR (Kbps)      : 5000
GGSN uplink MBR (Kbps)      : 5000
GGSN downlink GBR (Kbps)    : 2000
GGSN downlink MBR (Kbps)    : 2000
GGSN Alloc/Retention Prio   : 1
GGSN last management change : 02/19/2014 17:31:55
PGW uplink GBR (Kbps)       : 0
PGW uplink MBR (Kbps)       : 0
PGW downlink GBR (Kbps)     : 0
PGW downlink MBR (Kbps)     : 0
PGW Alloc/Retention Prio    : 1
PGW Qos Class ID            : 8
PGW last management change  : 02/19/2014 17:31:55