PCC rule provisioning example

The following is an example of PCC rule provisioning in a CCA-I message:

<CC-Answer> ::=  < Diameter Header: 272, PXY >
     < Session-Id >
     { Auth-Application-Id }
     { Origin-Host }
     { Origin-Realm }
     [ Result-Code ]
     [ Experimental-Result ]
     { CC-Request-Type }
     { CC-Request-Number }
     *[ Supported-Features ]     
     *[ Event-Trigger ]
     [ Origin-State-Id ]

     Charging-Rule-Install ::= <AVP Header: 1001> -> host instantiation
          Charging-Rule-Name = ‟ingr-v4:7”
          Charging-Rule-Name = ‟eggr-v6:5”
          Charging-Rule-Name = ‟Sub-Profile:prem”
          Charging-Rule-Name = ‟Sla-Profile:voip+data”
          Charging-Rule-Name = ‟Inter-Dest:vport-AN-1”
     Charging-Rule-Install  —> service instantiation
               Charging-Rule-Name = ‟service-1”  —> should be able to remove the rule by name later on
                    Flow-Information      —> traffic flow definition 
                    Flow-Description = ‟permit in 6(TCP) from any to ip 40000-40010" 
                    ToS-Traffic-Class = 00101000 11111100]  —> DSCP definition (value mask). In case of the DSCP, Flow-Direction (1080) AVP must be included. 
                    Flow-Direction = UPSTREAM  —> traffic flow direction
                    QoS-Information <AVP Header: 1016> 
                         Max-Requested-Bandwidth-UL = 10000000  —> UPSTREAM rate definition (not downstream, since the traffic flow direction is IN) 
                         QoS-Class-Identifier  = 3      —> EF forwarding class; in general one of 8 forwarding-classes (FC) in 7450 ESS and 7750 SR (be|l2|af|l1|h2|ef|h1|nc). This is used for re-prioritization of the traffic. 

In this example the host is instantiated using the two Charging-Rule-Install AVPs. The first is used to instantiate the host. The second is used to instantiate the IP-criterion based service named service-1. Service-1 is defined as the upstream traffic flow with traffic class AF11, destined for the TCP port range 40000-40010 on the node with IP address

The actions for this traffic flow are: