RADIUS route download

The RADIUS route download mechanism periodically polls a RADIUS server for routes to download. The main objective of this feature is to download, in advance, customer-assigned subnets so that they can be re-advertised to the corresponding routing protocols. In this way, subscriber bring up can potentially be done faster (as the routes are already in place and advertised) and, most importantly, reduce the routing protocol churn as subscribers connect and disconnect. The routes being learned through this mechanism could be both managed routes/delegated prefixes as well as the WAN IP assigned to the subscriber in the case PPPoE and un-numbered interfaces are being used.

The route download process requests the routes to a configured RADIUS server by triggering an access-request message. The key identifier for this message is the username, which is a combination of the system’s name (or an optionally configured value), appended by a dash ( ‟-”) and then a monotonically increasing integer. The download process sends an access request starting with 1 (such as ‟hostname-1”) and the RADIUS server replies with an access-accept message and a number of routes embedded within the message. The system then increases the counter and sends another access request (this time being hostname-2) and receive a reply with the next batch of routes to download. The process continues, incrementing the counter by 1 each time until the system gets an access-reject or the maximum number of routes that can be downloaded is reached.

The routes to be accepted are in the following format:

[vrf {vprn-name | vprn-service-id}] prefix-mask {null0 | null 0 | black-hole} [metric] [tag tag-value]

The prefix-mask could be in any form as ‛prefix/length’, ‛prefix mask’ or ‛prefix’ (in the latter case, for IPv4 routes, the mask shall be derived from the IP class of the prefix).

The route formats are supported:

IPv6 routes are also supported. The format is based on using the IETF-defined IPv6 Framed-IPv6-Route (attribute 99). The following text shows the supported formats.

All the routes downloaded are a new protocol type ‟periodic”. The download process re-starts the AAA requests after a specific interval (a configurable value but target refresh rate is 15 minutes) and routes shall be updated according to the following process: