Subscriber accumulated statistics

The accumulated statistics policy defines which statistics for queues and policers of a particular subscriber should be collected and stored in memory. At the end of the subscriber session, the queue and policer statistics are added to the statistics already stored in memory from previous sessions. This enables operators to view queue and policer statistics even if the subscriber is offline.

The accumulated statistics policy supports up to four ingress and four egress entries. For queue statistics, v4-v6 mode is not supported, where v4 and v6 statistics are always aggregated. For policer statistics, only min-mode is supported.

When a single subscriber has a list of bridge hosts, all hosts are forced to use the same statistics policy. If hosts use a different SLA profile and the operator wants to collect the statistics for all hosts, the statistics policy must encompass all queues and policers for various SLA profiles. If there are multiple SLA profile instances for the same subscriber, the statistics are summed up for each instance on a per policer or queue basis. These statistics are not exchanged between MCS peers. Therefore, for dual-homed hosts, the statistics need to be gathered from all the nodes and then summed up. If a queue or a policer is missing from the accumulated statistics policy in the current subscriber session and offline statistics exist for that entity from previous sessions, these offline stats are lost when the current subscriber session ends.

Cumulative statistics for a subscriber are not persistent; they are only stored in memory and are lost after node reboot (the statistics start at zero).

The show subscriber-mgmt accu-stats subscriber command displays the cumulative statistics for a subscriber. If the subscriber is online, the cumulative statistics consist of the sum of both the subscriber statistics while online and the offline statistics. If the subscriber is offline, the last subscriber session statistics are added to the offline statistics. Cumulative statistics for a subscriber are not persistent. They are only stored in memory and are lost after a node reboot (the statistics start at zero).

When the accumulated statistics policy changes through a subscriber profile override, either through the tools command or through RADIUS, the stored statistics can be affected. If the new SLA profile uses the same queues and policers already stored in memory, these statistics continue to accumulate. Only queues and policers that differ are added and start from zero.

If resources for capturing offline statistics are full, a trap is generated in log 99 to warn the operator. The command show subscriber-mgmt status system shows the number of subscribers using these accumulated statistics and a flag in this command shows whether the usage is at its peak value.

In the show subscriber-mgmt accu-stats-subscribers command, active subscribers with an accumulated statistics policy configured have both the sub-profile-name and accu-stats-policy fields populated. Active subscribers that are no longer associated with an accumulated statistics policy have accu-stats-policy populated with ‟Unknown”. Inactive subscribers have ‟Unknown” for both the sub-profile-name and the accu-stats-policy fields. This command is useful when combined with the CLI match command, to search for subscribers with specified properties. For example, match ‟Unknown” displays the list of subscribers that are no longer associated with any accumulative statistics policy.

It is possible for an active subscriber to have offline statistics without an accumulated statistics policy if the accu-stats-policy was removed from the sub-profile.

When the active subscriber has an accumulated statistics policy, the subscriber’s offline statistics can be deleted using the following command.

clear subscriber-mgmt accu-stats subscriber subscriber-id

The show subscriber-mgmt accu-stats subscriber subscriber-id command then displays only the subscriber’s current statistics as no statistics remain in the offline storage.

If an active subscriber does not have an accumulated statistics policy, the subscriber’s offline statistics can be deleted in one of the following ways.

To remove the offline statistics for all active subscribers that are no longer associated with an accumulated statistics policy, the following command can be used.

clear subscriber-mgmt accu-stats active-subs no-accu-stats-policy

To remove the offline statistics for a group of active subscribers that is no longer associated with an accumulated statistics policy and that has a defined subscriber profile (for example, if the accumulated statistics policy has been removed from the subscriber profile), the following command can be used.

clear subscriber-mgmt accu-stats active-subs sub-profile profile-name

It is also possible to remove the offline statistics for an inactive (offline) subscriber. To remove offline statistics for all inactive subscribers, use the following command.

clear subscriber-mgmt accu-stats inactive-subs

To remove offline statistics for a specific inactive subscriber, use the following command.

clear subscriber-mgmt accu-stats subscriber subscriber-id