Usage Monitoring when multiple subscriber hosts or sessions share an SLA profile instance

A Diameter Gx session from which Usage Monitoring is started controls the Usage Monitoring for the entire SLA profile instance. Only one Diameter Gx session can control the Usage Monitoring per SPI at a specific time. That is, Usage Monitoring can only be started from a single Gx session when multiple subscriber hosts or sessions share an SLA profile instance.

The session ID of the Diameter Gx session that controls the Usage Monitoring is displayed as the ‟Diameter Session Gx” field in the output of the following show command.

# show service active-subscribers credit-control [subscriber <sub-ident-string>]
Active Subscribers
Subscriber sub-1 (sub-profile-1)
(1) SLA Profile Instance sap:1/1/2:10 - sla:sla-profile-1
Category Map         : catmap-1
Diameter Session Gx  :;1490015297;7
Number of categories
static               : 2
gx-session           : 0
gx-pcc               : 1
Category Name        : cat-1                  
Ingress Queues       : 1
Egress Queues        : 1
Ingress Policers     : (Not Specified)
Egress Policers      : (Not Specified)
No monitoring
HTTP Rdr URL Override: (Not Specified)
Category Name        : cat-2                  
Ingress Queues       : 2
Egress Queues        : 2
Ingress Policers     : (Not Specified)
Egress Policers      : (Not Specified)
No monitoring
HTTP Rdr URL Override: (Not Specified)
Category Name        : fl_um1_up
Volume Used          : 0                    Volume Available     : 100000
HTTP Rdr URL Override: (Not Specified)

A Diameter Gx session stops being the controlling Gx session for Usage Monitoring of the SLA profile instance in the following situations:

When the Usage Monitoring terminates, the usage of subscriber hosts or sessions sharing the SLA profile instance is no longer accounted for. Usage Monitoring can now be started from another Diameter Gx session, which then becomes the controlling Gx session for Usage Monitoring on the SLA profile instance.