3. CLI plug-ins

The SR Linux CLI is a python application that can load dynamic libraries from other applications.This flexibility allows users to create their own show commands, and also allows each application to own its own show command tree.

In addition to custom show commands, Nokia provides the following pre-defined plug-ins:

For details on how to create custom show routines, and define the classes and utility functions used to create them, see the SR Linux CLI Plug-in Guide.


Command outputs shown in this guide are examples only; actual output may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration.

3.1. General and operational commands

Table 6 defines general and operational commands that can be entered at any point in the CLI.

Table 6:    General and operational commands




Auto-completes a command


Moves to the root; can also be used to reset the context to the root for a specific command (for example: info from state /)


Displays context-based help


Returns to the context before executing the last command

baseline <argument>


  1. check - check baseline update for current candidates
  2. diff - show baseline configuration changes
  3. update - update baseline for current candidate


Opens a bash session

bash <command>

Executes a command without entering a bash session


Clears the screen


Echoes text back to a session


Switches to a different mode

enter candidate

Enters the shared candidate mode. Shared candidate mode is the default.

enter candidate exclusive

Enters the exclusive candidate mode

To switch between shared and exclusive, you must switch to a different datastore (for example. running).

enter candidate exclusive name <name>

Enters the exclusive mode for a named candidate

enter candidate name <name>

Enters the shared candidate mode for a named shared candidate

enter candidate private

Enters the candidate private mode

enter candidate private name <name>

Enters the candidate private mode for a named candidate

enter running

Enters the running mode (default)

enter show

Enters the show mode (used with show CLI plug-ins)

enter state

Enters the state mode (all configuration and operational states)


Configures and displays environment variables

environment alias

Creates or overwrites an alias

environment bottom-toolbar

Changes the text displayed in the bottom toolbar

environment cli-engine type

Sets cli engine type for interactive logins:

  1. basic
  2. advanced

environment complete-on-space

Triggers auto-completion when a space is typed (default is to explicitly require a <TAB>

environment delete

Resets and removes environment settings

environment key-completer-limit <limit>

Number of keys limited in auto-completion

environment load

Loads the environment settings from a file:

  1. file (path of the configuration file)
  2. home (use ~/.srlinuxrc configuration file)

environment output-format

Allows the default output format to change between text and JSON

environment prompt

Changes the prompt displayed before every input line

environment save

Saves the current environment

environment save home

Saves the current environment to the user home directory

environment save file <file>

Saves the current environment to a specific file

environment show

Shows the currently active environment settings


Exits to a previous context

exit to <ancestor>

Exits to a specific ancestor of the current context

exit all

Exits to the root


Displays mode-related help


Displays the command history list with line numbers

history hot

Displays the top 5 most frequently used commands

history clear

Clears the history

info [path]

Shows the value of all nodes and fields under the current context; optionally made more specific by a path

info depth <n>

Filters out sub-nodes that are deeper than the specified depth

info detail

Shows also default values for unset fields

info flat

Shows each node or field as a single line

info use-proto-json

Shows the output as the JSON used for the protobuf messages

info from <mode>

Executes the info command from within the specified mode (either candidate, running, or state). The current context can be retrieved without a from argument.


Show the keys of all nodes under the current context

monitor [path]

Monitors state changes within the current context; optionally made more specific by a path

monitor recursive [path]

Includes children when monitoring

monitor sample

Uses sampling instead of on-change monitoring (interval in seconds)


Sends IPv4 ICMPv4 echo requests to network hosts.

Usage: ping6 <destination> [-I <value>] [-M <value>] [-Q <value>] [-c <value>] [-i <value>] [-s <value>] [-t <value>] [network-instance <value>]

  1. -I - Source interface/IP
  2. -M - Path MTU discovery strategy
  3. -M- pmtudisc_options - sets df-bit set
  4. -Q - tos
  5. -c - Number of ping requests
  6. -i - Wait interval in seconds between each packet
  7. -s - Packet size
  8. -t - TTL (Time-To-Live)


Sends IPv6 ICMPv6 echo requests to network hosts.

Usage: ping6 <destination> [-I <value>] [-M <value>] [-Q <value>] [-c <value>] [-i <value>] [-s <value>] [-t <value>] [network-instance <value>]

  1. -I - Source interface/IP
  2. -M - Path MTU discovery strategy
  3. -M- pmtudisc_options - sets df-bit set
  4. -Q - tos
  5. -c - Number of ping requests
  6. -i - Wait interval seconds between each packet
  7. -s - Packet size
  8. -t - TTL (Time-To-Live)


Prints the current working context


Closes the CLI session


Saves the current datastore to the given file in JSON format.

Usage: save [detail] file <value> [from <running|state>] [text]

  1. detail - Additionally saves the default values for unset fields
  2. file - Output filename
  3. from - Datastore used to retrieve data from
  4. text - Use CLI (text) format instead of JSON


Displays plug-in style show commands; see 3.2 Show reports

source <file>

Executes a set of commands from a file


Generates a technical support file.

Usage: tech-support [ignore-host-keys <value>] [max-time <value>] [network-instance <value>] [no-core] [scp-to <value>]

  1. ignore-host-keys - Skip security verification of remote ssh server key
  2. max-time - Maximum time
  3. network-instance - Network-instance for scp command
  4. no-core - Skip inclusion of core files
  5. scp-to - scp location, for example, user@server-ip:/tmp/


Executes a tool command


Prints the route packets trace to network host

Usage: traceroute <destination>


Prints the route IPv6 packets trace to network host

Usage: traceroute6 <destination>


tcptraceroute compatible wrapper for traceroute

Usage: tcptraceroute <destination>

tree [path]

Shows the tree structure in the current context; optionally made more specific with a path

tree flat

Shows each structure on a single line

tree from [mode]

Retrieves the tree from the current context in another mode


Execute a program periodically

Within candidate mode only, the following apply


Appends a line to the annotation of the current node


Replaces the annotation of the current node

commit now

Applies the changes, exits candidate mode, and enters running mode

commit stay

Applies the changes and then remains in candidate mode.

Permitted additional arguments: commit stay [save] [comment] [confirmed]

commit save

Applies the changes and then remains in candidate mode.

Permitted additional arguments: commit [stay] [checkpoint] save [confirmed] [comment]

commit checkpoint

Causes an automatic checkpoint after the commit succeeds.

Permitted additional arguments: commit [stay] [now] checkpoint [save] [confirmed]

commit validate

Verifies that a propose configuration change passes a management server validation

commit comment <comment.>

Used with other arguments (except validate) to add a user comment where comment is a quoted string, 1-255 characters.

Permitted additional arguments: commit [stay] [save] [checkpoint] [confirmed] comment

commit confirmed

commit confirmed [timeout <1-86400>]

commit confirmed [accept|reject]

Applies the changes, but requires an explicit confirmation to become permanent.

The timeout period default is 600 seconds (10 mins.), or can be provisioned with a value of 1-86400 sec.). The timeout argument cannot be used with the accept or reject parameter.

Prior to the timer expiring, the accept argument explicitly confirms and applies the changes. With no timer running, the reject argument explicitly rejects the changes.


Sets the annotation of the current node


Compares the current candidate against the running configuration

discard [now|stay]

Discards all uncommitted changes; requires either a now or stay option (to stop unintended commit). When stay is used, the mode remains in candidate mode (opening a new transaction).

3.2. Show reports

Show reports are python plug-ins used to create custom output. A set of pre-defined show reports are provided and described in this section. These pre-defined reports can be used as examples for how to create additional custom reports.

For more information about creating custom show reports, refer to the SR Linux CLI Plug-In Guide.

3.2.1. ACL show reports

— acl
— ipv4-filter <filter name>
— entry <value>
— subinterface <subinterface value>
— ipv6-filter <filter name>
— entry <value>
— subinterface <subinterface value>
— cpm-filter <filter name>
— ipv4-filter <filter name>
— entry <value>
— ipv6-filter <filter name>
— entry <entry number>
— capture-filter <filter name>
— ipv4-filter <filter name>
— entry <value>
— ipv6-filter <filter name>
— entry <value>
— summary

The sections that follow show select examples of ACL show reports. ACL example - show statistics for a specific ACL

# show acl ipv4-filter ip_tcp
Filter        : ip_tcp
SubIf-Specific: input-and-output
Entry-stats   : yes
Entries       : 2
 Subinterface     Input   Output
ethernet-1/16.1   yes     no    
Entry 1000
 Match               : protocol=tcp,>
 Action              : accept
 Input Match Packets : 3000
 Input Last Match    : 18 seconds ago
 Output Match Packets: 0
 Output Last Match   : never
Entry 65535
 Match               : protocol=<undefined>, any(*)->any(*)
 Action              : drop
 Input Match Packets : 1000
 Input Last Match    : 6 minutes ago
 Output Match Packets: 0
 Output Last Match   : never ACL example - show subinterface statistics for packets matching each ACL entry

# show acl ipv4-filter ip_tcp subinterface ethernet-1/16.1
Filter        : ip_tcp
SubIf-Specific: input-and-output
Entry-stats   : yes
Entries       : 2
 Subinterface     Input   Output
ethernet-1/16.1   yes     no    
Entry 1000
 Match               : protocol=tcp,>
 Action              : accept
 Input Match Packets : 3000
 Input Last Match    : 5 minutes ago
 Output Match Packets: 0
 Output Last Match   : never
Entry 65535
 Match               : protocol=<undefined>, any(*)->any(*)
 Action              : drop
 Input Match Packets : 1000
 Input Last Match    : 10 minutes ago
 Output Match Packets: 0
 Output Last Match   : neve

3.2.2. ARPND show reports

— arpnd
— neighbors
— interface <interface name>
— subinterface <subinterface value>
— ipv6-address <IPv6 address>
— arp-entries
— interface <interface name>
— subinterface <subinterface value>
— ipv4-address <IPv4 address>

The sections that follow show select examples of ARPND show reports. ARPND example - show arpnd neighbors

# show arpnd neighbors
|   Interface  |    Sub    |   Neighbor    | Origin  |  Link layer | Current   |  Next state   |   Is   |
|              | interface |               |         |    address  |  state    |    change     | Router |
| ethernet-1/1 |     1     | 2001:1::192:1 | dynamic | 12:12:06:FF | stale     | 3 hours from  | true   |
|              |           |       68:11:2 |         | :00:00      |           | now           |        |
| ethernet-1/1 |     1     | fe80::1012:6f | dynamic | 12:12:06:FF | stale     | 53 minutes    | true   |
|              |           |      f:feff:0 |         | :00:00      |           | from now      |        |
| ethernet-1/2 |     1     | 2001:1::192:1 | dynamic | 12:12:07:FF | reachable | 23 seconds    | true   |
|              |           |       68:12:2 |         | :00:01      |           | from now      |        |
| ethernet-1/2 |     1     | fe80::1012:7f | dynamic | 12:12:07:FF | stale     | 53 minutes    | true   |
|              |           |      f:feff:1 |         | :00:01      |           | from now      |        |
+--------------+-----------+---------------+---------+-------------+-----------+---------------+--------+ ARPND example - show arpnd arp-entries

# show arpnd arp-entries
+------------+------------+----------- -+---------+------------+------------+
| Interface  |   Sub     |  Neighbor    | Origin  | Link layer |   Expiry   |
|            | interface |              |         |  address   |            |
| ethernet-1 |    1      | | dynamic | 12:12:06:F | 33 minutes |
| /1         |           |              |         | F:00:00    | from now   |
| ethernet-1 |    1      | | dynamic | 12:12:07:F | 33 minutes |
| /2         |           |              |         | F:00:01    | from now   |
+------------+-----------+-----------  -+---------+------------+------------+ ARPND example - show arpnd arp-entry for specific interface

# show arpnd arp-entries interface ethernet-1/1
|  Interface   | Subinterface |  Neighbor    | Origin  | Link layer        |   Expiry   |
|              |              |              |         |  Address          |            |
| ethernet-1/1 | 1            | | dynamic | 00:01:02:FF:00:00 | 3 hours    |
|              |              |              |         | :00:00            | from now   |

3.2.3. Interface show reports

— interface <interface port name>
— brief
— all
— detail
— queue-statistics

The sections that follow show select examples of interface show reports. Interface example - show all up interfaces/subinterfaces

# show interface
ethernet-1/1 is up, speed None, type None
  ethernet-1/1.1 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    Type         : routed
    IPv4 addr    : (static)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001:1::192:168:11:1/126 (static, preferred)
    IPv6 addr    : fe80::201:1ff:feff:0/64 (link-layer, preferred)
ethernet-1/2 is up, speed None, type None
  ethernet-1/2.1 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    Type         : routed
    IPv4 addr    : (static)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001:1::192:168:12:1/126 (static, preferred)
    IPv6 addr    : fe80::201:1ff:feff:1/64 (link-layer, preferred)
lo0 is up, speed None, type None
  lo0.1 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    Type         : None
    IPv4 addr    : (static)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001::100:1:1:1/128 (static, preferred)
mgmt0 is up, speed None, type None
  mgmt0.0 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    Type         : None
    IPv4 addr    : (dhcp)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001:172:18:18::2/80 (dhcp, preferred)
    IPv6 addr    : fe80::42:acff:fe12:1202/64 (link-layer, preferred)
  1 loopback interfaces configured
  2 ethernet interfaces are up
  1 management interfaces are up
  4 subinterfaces are up
====================================================================== Interface example - show all up and down interfaces/ subinterfaces

# show interface all
ethernet-1/1 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/10 is up, speed 100G, type 100GBASE-CR4 CA-L
  ethernet-1/10.1 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    IPv4 addr    : (static)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001:192:35:1::/127 (static, preferred)
    IPv6 addr    : fe80::22e0:9cff:fe78:e2ea/64 (link-layer, preferred)
ethernet-1/11 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/12 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/14 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/16 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/17 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/18 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/19 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/2 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/20 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/21 is up, speed 100G, type 100GBASE-CR4 CA-L
  ethernet-1/21.1 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    IPv4 addr    : (static)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001:192:45:1::fe/127 (static, preferred)
    IPv6 addr    : fe80::22e0:9cff:fe78:e2f5/64 (link-layer, preferred)
ethernet-1/22 is up, speed 100G, type 100GBASE-CR4 CA-L
  ethernet-1/22.1 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    IPv4 addr    : (static)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001:192:45:3::fe/127 (static, preferred)
    IPv6 addr    : fe80::22e0:9cff:fe78:e2f6/64 (link-layer, preferred)
ethernet-1/23 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/24 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/25 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/26 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/27 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/28 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/29 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/3 is up, speed 100G, type 100GBASE-CR4 CA-L
  ethernet-1/3.1 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    IPv4 addr    : (static)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001:192:57:1::1/127 (static, preferred)
    IPv6 addr    : fe80::22e0:9cff:fe78:e2e3/64 (link-layer, preferred)
ethernet-1/30 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/31 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/32 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/33 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/34 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/35 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/36 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/4 is up, speed 100G, type 100GBASE-CR4 CA-L
  ethernet-1/4.1 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    IPv4 addr    : (static)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001:192:35:1::/127 (static, preferred)
    IPv6 addr    : fe80::22e0:9cff:fe78:e2e4/64 (link-layer, preferred)
ethernet-1/5 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/6 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-1/7 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
  ethernet-1/8.1 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    IPv4 addr    : (static)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001:192:57:3::1/127 (static, preferred)
    IPv6 addr    : fe80::22e0:9cff:fe78:e2e8/64 (link-layer, preferred)
ethernet-1/9 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-3/1 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-3/10 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-3/11 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-3/12 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-3/13 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-3/14 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
ethernet-3/3 is down, reason port-admin-disabled
lo0 is up, speed None, type None
  lo0.1 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    IPv4 addr    : (static)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001:5:5:5::5/128 (static, preferred)
lo1 is up, speed None, type None
  lo1.1 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    IPv4 addr    : (static)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001:55:55:55::55/128 (static, preferred)
mgmt0 is up, speed None, type None
  mgmt0.0 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    IPv4 addr    : (dhcp)
    IPv6 addr    : 2620:0:60:1c28::24/128 (dhcp, preferred)
    IPv6 addr    : fe80::167b:acff:fe87:bac7/64 (link-layer, preferred)
  2 loopback interfaces configured
  6 ethernet interfaces are up, 64 are down
  1 management interfaces are up, 0 are down
  9 subinterfaces are up, 0 are down Interface example - summary of up and down interfaces

# show interface brief
|     Port      | Admin State | Oper State | Speed | Type |
| ethernet-1/1  | enable      | up         |       |      |
| ethernet-1/2  | enable      | up         |       |      |
| ethernet-1/3  | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/4  | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/5  | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/6  | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/7  | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/8  | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/9  | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/10 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/11 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/12 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/13 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/14 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/15 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/16 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/17 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/18 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/19 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/20 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/21 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/22 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/23 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/24 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/25 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/26 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/27 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/28 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/29 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/30 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/31 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/32 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/33 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/34 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/35 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| ethernet-1/36 | disable     | down       |       |      |
| lo0           | enable      | up         |       |      |
| mgmt0         | enable      | up         |       |      |
+---------------+-------------+------------+-------+------+ Interface example - show summary of specific interface

# show interface ethernet-1/1 brief
|     Port     | Admin State | Oper State | Speed | Type |
| ethernet-1/1 | enable      | up         |       |      |
+--------------+-------------+------------+-------+------+ Interface example - show specific interface/subinterface

# show interface ethernet-1/3 
ethernet-1/3 is up, speed 100G, type 100GBASE-CR4 CA-L
  ethernet-1/3.1 is up
    Encapsulation: null
    IPv4 addr    : (static)
    IPv6 addr    : 2001:192:57:1::1/127 (static, preferred)
    IPv6 addr    : fe80::22e0:9cff:fe78:e2e3/64 (link-layer, preferred)
========================================================================= Interface example - show specific interface/subinterface with details

# show interface ethernet-1/3  detail  
Interface: ethernet-1/3
  Description     : rifa-difa-1
  Oper state      : up
  Down reason     : N/A
  Last change     : 23m14s ago, No flaps since last clear
  Speed           : 100G
  Flow control    : Rx is disabled, Tx is not supported
  MTU             : 9232
  VLAN tagging    : false
  Queues          : 8 output queues supported, 3 used since the last clear
  MAC address     : 20:E0:9C:78:E2:E3
  Last stats clear: never
Queue Parameter for ethernet-1/3
  Queue-id   Scheduling   Weight
Traffic statistics for ethernet-1/3
       counter         Rx      Tx  
  Octets              14241   11724
  Unicast packets     0       0    
  Broadcast packets   0       0    
  Multicast packets   52      56   
  Errored packets     0       0    
  FCS error packets   0       N/A  
  MAC pause frames    0       N/A  
  Oversize frames     0       N/A  
  Jabber frames       0       N/A  
  Fragment frames     0       N/A  
  CRC errors          0       N/A  
Traffic rate statistics for ethernet-1/3
    units     Rx   Tx
  kbps rate          
Frame length statistics for ethernet-1/3
  Frame length(Octets)   Rx   Tx
  64 bytes               0    0 
  65-127 bytes           5    8 
  128-255 bytes          0    48
  256-511 bytes          47   0 
  512-1023 bytes         0    0 
  1024-1518 bytes        0    0 
  1519+ bytes            0    0 
Transceiver detail for ethernet-1/3
  Status         : Transceiver is present and operational
  Form factor    : QSFP28
  Channels used  : 4
  Connector type : no-separable-connector
  Vendor         : Mellanox
  Vendor part    : MCP1600-C003
  PMD type       : 100GBASE-CR4 CA-L
  Fault condition: false
  Temperature    : 0
  Voltage        : 0.0000
Transceiver channel detail for ethernet-1/3
  Channel No   Rx Power (dBm)   Tx Power (dBm)   Laser Bias current (mA)
  1            -40.00           -40.00           0.000                  
  2            -40.00           -40.00           0.000                  
  3            -40.00           -40.00           0.000                  
  4            -40.00           -40.00           0.000                  
  Subinterface: ethernet-1/3.1
  Oper state      : up
  Down reason     : N/A
  Last change     : 23m14s ago
  Encapsulation   : null
  IP MTU          : 9000
  Last stats clear: never
  IPv4 addr       : (static)
  IPv6 addr       : 2001:192:57:1::1/127 (static, preferred)
  IPv6 addr       : fe80::22e0:9cff:fe78:e2e3/64 (link-layer, preferred)
ARP/ND summary for ethernet-1/3.1
  IPv4 ARP entries : 0 static, 0 dynamic
  IPv6 ND  entries : 0 static, 0 dynamic
QOS Policies applied to ethernet-1/3.1
        Summary            In      Out 
  IPv4 DSCP classifier   default       
  IPv6 DSCP classifier   default       
  IPv4 DSCP rewrite                none
  IPv6 DSCP rewrite                none
     Statistics        Rx     Tx 
  Packets             52      8  
  Octets              14241   828
  Errored packets     0       0  
  Discarded packets   2       0  
  Forwarded packets   0       0  
  Forwarded octets    0       0  
  CPM packets         50      8  
  CPM octets          14033   828
======================================================================== Interface example - show specific interface with egress queues and VOQs

# show interface ethernet-1/3 queue-statistics
Interface: ethernet-1/3
  Description     : rifa-difa-1
  Oper state      : up
  Last change     : 24m12s ago, No flaps since last clear
  Speed           : 100G
  Duplex          : Full duplex
  Flow control    : Disabled
  MTU             : 9232
  VLAN tagging    : false
  Queues          : 8 output queues supported, 3 used since the last clear
  Link layer      : Ethernet
  MAC address     : 20:E0:9C:78:E2:E3
  Last stats clear: never
Queue Parameter for for ethernet-1/3
  Queue-id   Scheduling   Weight
Queue Parameter for 0 statistics for interface ethernet-1/3 (fc0 traffic)
      Name       Fwd-Octets   Fwd-Pkts   Drop-Octets   Drop-Pkts
  Egress queue   664          6          0             0        
  VOQ 1          682          6          0             0        
  VOQ 2          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 3          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 4          0            0          0             0        
Queue Parameter for 1 statistics for interface ethernet-1/3 (fc1 traffic)
      Name       Fwd-Octets   Fwd-Pkts   Drop-Octets   Drop-Pkts
  Egress queue   0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 1          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 2          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 3          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 4          0            0          0             0        
Queue Parameter for 2 statistics for interface ethernet-1/3 (fc2 traffic)
      Name       Fwd-Octets   Fwd-Pkts   Drop-Octets   Drop-Pkts
  Egress queue   0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 1          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 2          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 3          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 4          0            0          0             0        
Queue Parameter for 3 statistics for interface ethernet-1/3 (fc3 traffic)
      Name       Fwd-Octets   Fwd-Pkts   Drop-Octets   Drop-Pkts
  Egress queue   0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 1          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 2          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 3          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 4          0            0          0             0        
Queue Parameter for 4 statistics for interface ethernet-1/3 (fc4 traffic)
      Name       Fwd-Octets   Fwd-Pkts   Drop-Octets   Drop-Pkts
  Egress queue   11350        50         0             0        
  VOQ 1          11500        50         0             0        
  VOQ 2          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 3          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 4          0            0          0             0        
Queue Parameter for 5 statistics for interface ethernet-1/3 (fc5 traffic)
      Name       Fwd-Octets   Fwd-Pkts   Drop-Octets   Drop-Pkts
  Egress queue   0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 1          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 2          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 3          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 4          0            0          0             0        
Queue Parameter for 6 statistics for interface ethernet-1/3 (fc6 traffic)
      Name       Fwd-Octets   Fwd-Pkts   Drop-Octets   Drop-Pkts
  Egress queue   164          2          0             0        
  VOQ 1          170          2          0             0        
  VOQ 2          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 3          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 4          0            0          0             0        
Queue Parameter for 7 statistics for interface ethernet-1/3 (fc7 traffic)
      Name       Fwd-Octets   Fwd-Pkts   Drop-Octets   Drop-Pkts
  Egress queue   0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 1          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 2          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 3          0            0          0             0        
  VOQ 4          0            0          0             0        

3.2.4. MPLS show reports

— mpls-aft
— network-instance <instance name>

The sections that follow show select examples of MPLS show reports. MPLS example - show all MPLS abstract forwarding tables

#  show mpls-aft
| Top    |    Owner    | Preference |       Last Update        | Egress | Next-hop |
| Label  |             |            |                          | Label  |          |
| 176968 | mpls-static | 5          | 2019-03-28T06:37:18.834Z |        |  192     |
| 182270 | mpls-static | 5          | 2019-03-28T06:37:18.834Z |        |  194     |

3.2.5. Network-instance show reports

— network-instance <name>
— bridge-table
— mac-duplication duplication-entries
— mac-table
— all
— mac <address>
— summary
— interfaces <interface name>
— protocols
— bgp
— summary
— neighbor [<IP-address>]
— maintenance
— received-routes
— advertised-routes
— detail
— routes [<IP family>]
— ipv4
— prefix <IP prefix>
— summary
— ipv6
— prefix <IP prefix>
— summary
— isis
— adjacency
— adjacency-level <value>
— neighbor-system-id <ID>
— detail
— adjacency-level <value>
— neighbor-system-id <ID>
— database
— lsp-id <ID>
— detail
— lsp-id <ID>
— interface
— detail
— hostnames
— detail
— summary
— route-table
— all
— summary
— ipv4-unicast
— prefix <prefix>
— detail
— summary
— ipv6-unicast
— prefix <prefix>
— detail
— summary
— next-hop <index>
— summary

The sections that follow show select examples of network-instance show reports. Network-instance example - show general network-instance summary

--{ show }--[  ]--
# show network-instance summary
  |  Name   |  Type  | Admin state | Oper state | Router id |    Description     |
  | default | ip-vrf | enable      | up         |           |                    |
  | mgmt    | ip-vrf | enable      | up         |           | Management network |
  |         |        |             |            |           | instance           |
  +---------+--------+-------------+------------+-----------+--------------------+ Network-instance example - show interface associated with network-instance

# show network-instance default interfaces
Net instance: default
Interface   : ethernet-1/1.1
Oper state  : up
Ip mtu      : 1500
           Prefix              Origin      Status
  =================================================            static
  2001:1::192:168:11:1/126   static       preferred
  fe80::1012:5ff:feff:0/64   link-layer   preferred
Net instance: default
Interface   : ethernet-1/2.1
Oper state  : up
Ip mtu      : 1500
           Prefix              Origin      Status
  =================================================            static
  2001:1::192:168:12:1/126   static       preferred
  fe80::1012:5ff:feff:1/64   link-layer   preferred
Net instance: default
Interface   : lo0.1
Oper state  : up
        Prefix          Origin    Status
  ========================================          static
  2001::100:1:1:1/128   static   preferred Network-instance example - show all mac-tables

# show network-instance bridge-table mac-table all
Mac-table of network instance default
Total Irb Macs            :    2 Total    2 Active
Total Static Macs         :    2 Total    2 Active
Total Duplicate Macs      :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Learnt Macs         :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Macs                :    4 Total    4 Active
Mac-table of network instance mgmt
Total Irb Macs            :    2 Total    2 Active
Total Static Macs         :    1 Total    1 Active
Total Duplicate Macs      :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Learnt Macs         :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Macs                :    3 Total    3 Active
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network-instance example - show all mac-tables for specified network-instance

# show network-instance macvrf2 bridge-table mac-table all 
Mac-table of network instance macvrf2
|        address    |  Destination    | Dest |  Type     | Active | Aging |     Last Update          |
|                   |                 |Index |           |        |       |                          |
| 00:00:08:05:26:01 | ethernet-1/25.1 | 66   | learnt    | true   | 300   | 2020-05-06T10:50:27.000Z |
| 00:00:08:05:26:02 | ethernet-1/25.2 | 67   | learnt    | true   | 300   | 2020-05-06T10:50:27.000Z |
| 00:00:08:05:26:03 | ethernet-1/25.3 | 68   | learnt    | true   | 300   | 2020-05-06T10:50:27.000Z |
| 00:00:08:05:26:04 | ethernet-1/25.4 | 69   | learnt    | true   | 300   | 2020-05-06T10:50:27.000Z |
| 00:00:08:05:26:05 | ethernet-1/25.5 | 70   | learnt    | true   | 300   | 2020-05-06T10:50:27.000Z |
| 50:E0:EF:2F:50:53 | irb-interface   | 0    | irb-      | true   | N/A   | 2020-05-05T19:38:14.000Z |
|                   |                 |      | interface |        |       |                          |
Total Irb Macs            :    1 Total    1 Active
Total Static Macs         :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Duplicate Macs      :    0 Total    0 Active
Total Learnt Macs         :    5 Total    5 Active
Total Macs                :    6 Total    6 Active
--{ running }--[  ]-- Network-instance example - show duplicate entries for specified network-intance

# show network-instance macvrf2 bridge-table mac-duplication duplicate-entries  
Mac-duplication in network instance macvrf2 
Admin-state             : Enabled 
Monitoring window       : 3 minutes 
Number of moves allowed : 5 
Hold-down-time          : 10 seconds 
Action                  : Stop Learning 
Duplicate entries in network instance macvrf2
| Duplicate mac    | Destination    |Dest-Index| Detec Time             | Hold down time 
|                  |                |          |                        |    remaining  
| 00:00:00:00:00:01|ethernet-1/1.1  |65        |2019-12-13T23:37:26.000 | 6   
| 00:00:00:00:00:02|ethernet-1/1.1  |65        |2019-12-13T23:37:26.000 | 6   
| 00:00:00:00:00:03|ethernet-1/1.1  |65        |2019-12-13T23:37:26.000 | 6    
Total Duplicate macs       : 3  Total 3 Active 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network-instance example - general protocol (BGP) summary

# show network-instance default protocols bgp summary
BGP is enabled and up in network-instance "default"
Global AS number  : 65001
BGP identifier    :
  Total paths               : 31
  Receieved routes          : 54
  Received and active routes: 8
  Total UP peers            : 4
  Configured peers          : 4, 0 are disabled
  Dynamic peers             : None
Default preferences
  BGP Local Preference attribute: 100
  EBGP route-table preference   : 170
  IBGP route-table preference   : 170
Wait for FIB install to advertise: None
Send rapid withdrawals           : disabled
Ipv4-unicast AFI/SAFI
    Received routes               : 30
    Received and active routes    : 5
    Max number of multipaths      : 1, 1
    Multipath can transit multi AS: True
Ipv6-unicast AFI/SAFI
    Received routes               : 24
    Received and active routes    : 3
    Max number of multipaths      : 1,1
    Multipath can transit multi AS: True
--{ candidate }--[  ]-- Network-instance example - BGP neighbor summary

# show network-instance default protocols bgp neighbor
BGP neighbor summary for network-instance "default"
Flags: S static, D dynamic, L discovered by LLDP, B BFD enabled, - disabled, * slow
|   Net   |    Peer      | Group | Fla | Peer- |   State     |   Uptime   | AFI/SAFI  | [Rx/Activ |
|   Inst  |              |       | gs  |  AS   |             |            |           |   e/Tx]   |
| default | | test  | S   | 65002 | established | 4d:23h:53m | ipv4-unic | [6/3/6]   |
|         |              |       |     |       |  d          | :47s       | ast       | [9/0/9]   |
|         |              |       |     |       |             |            | ipv6-unic |           |
|         |              |       |     |       |             |            | ast       |           |
| default | | test  | S   | 65003 | established | 4d:23h:53m | ipv4-unic | [6/2/7]   |
|         |              |       |     |       |             | :46s       | ast       | [9/0/9]   |
|         |              |       |     |       |             |            | ipv6-unic |           |
|         |              |       |     |       |             |            | ast       |           |
| default | 2001:1::192: | test  | S   | 65002 | established | 4d:23h:53m | ipv4-unic | [9/0/9]   |
|         | 168:11:2     |       |     |       |             | :18s       | ast       | [6/3/6]   |
|         |              |       |     |       |             |            | ipv6-unic |           |
|         |              |       |     |       |             |            | ast       |           |
| default | 2001:1::192: | test  | S   | 65003 | established | 4d:23h:53m | ipv4-unic | [9/0/9]   |
|         | 168:12:2     |       |     |       |             | :20s       | ast       | [6/2/7]   |
|         |              |       |     |       |             |            | ipv6-unic |           |
|         |              |       |     |       |             |            | ast       |           |
4 configured neighbors, 4 configured sessions are established,0 disabled peers
None dynamic sessions are established Network-instance example - BGP neighbor details for specific IP address

show network-instance default protocols bgp neighbor detail
Peer :, remote AS: 65002, local AS: 65001
Type : static
Description : default network-instance bgp neighbor to Node B
Group : test
Export policies : bgp-export-policy
Import policies: None
Admin-state is enable, session-state is established, up for 0d:3h:30m:59s
TCP connection is [179] -> [49340]
0 messages in input queue, 0 messages in output queue
Last-state was established, last-event was recvOpen, 1 peer-flaps
Last received Notification was Error: Cease SubError:Connection Collision Resolution
Failure detection: BFD is True, fast-failover is True
Graceful Restart
   Restarts by the peer : 0
   Last restart : N/A
   Peer requested restart-time : 0
   Stale routes time : 0
          Timer              Configured/Operational   Next
connect-retry                120                          
hold-time                    90                           
keepalive-interval           30                           
min-advertisement-interval   30                           
    Messages        Sent   Received
Malformed updates          0       
Non Updates         427    423     
Updates             11     10      
Ipv4-unicast AFI/SAFI
    End of RIB                     : None
    Received routes                : 6
    Rejected routes                : None
    Active routes                  : 3
    Advertised routes              : 6
    Prefix-Limit                   : None
    Default originate              : disabled
    Advertise with IPv6 next-hops  : N/A
    Peer requested GR helper       : None
    Peer preserved forwarding state: None
Ipv6-unicast AFI/SAFI
    End of RIB                     : None
    Received routes                : 7
    Rejected routes                : None
    Active routes                  : None
    Advertised routes              : 7
    Prefix-Limit                   : None
    Default originate              : disabled
    Advertise with IPv6 next-hops  : None
    Peer requested GR helper       : None
    Peer preserved forwarding state: None
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Network-instance example - BGP neighbor advertised routes for specific IP address

# show network-instance default protocols bgp neighbor advertised-
Show report for the BGP route table of network-instance "default"
Origin codes: i=IGP, e=EGP, ?=incomplete
Flag           Network            Next Hop   MED   LocPref       AsPath    
 ?      -     100       [65001]       
 ?      -     100       [65001, 65003]
 ?     2001:1::/64          -     100       [65001]       
 i         -     100       [65001]       
 i         -     100       [65001, 65003]
 i      -     100       [65001]       
 i      -     100       [65001]       
 i     2001:1::192:168:11:0/126    -     100       [65001]       
 i     2001:1::192:168:12:0/126    -     100       [65001]       
 i     2001:1::192:168:13:0/126    -     100       [65001, 65002]
 i     2001::100:1:1:1/128    -     100       [65001]       
 i     2001::100:1:1:2/128    -     100       [65001, 65002]
 i     2001::100:1:1:3/128    -     100       [65001, 65003]
13 advertised BGP routes
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network-instance example - BGP neighbor received routes for specific IP address

# show network-instance default protocols bgp neighbor received-routes
Show report for the BGP route table of network-instance "default"
Origin codes: i=IGP, e=EGP, ?=incomplete
Flag           Network              Next Hop     MED   LocPref       AsPath    
 ?     -     100       [65002]       
 ?     -     100       [65002, 65003]
 ?     2001:1::/64                ::c0a8:b02     -     100       [65002]       
 i        -     100       [65002]       
 i        -     100       [65002, 65003]
 i     -     100       [65002]       
 i     -     100       [65002]       
 i     2001:1::192:168:11:0/126   ::c0a8:b02     -     100       [65002]       
 i     2001:1::192:168:12:0/126   ::c0a8:b02     -     100       [65002, 65001]
 i     2001:1::192:168:13:0/126   ::c0a8:b02     -     100       [65002]       
 i     2001::100:1:1:1/128        ::c0a8:b02     -     100       [65002, 65001]
 i     2001::100:1:1:2/128        ::c0a8:b02     -     100       [65002]       
 i     2001::100:1:1:3/128        ::c0a8:b02     -     100       [65002, 65003]
13 received BGP routes
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network-instance example - BGP summary of IPv4 routes

show network-instance default protocols bgp routes ipv4 summary
Show report for the BGP route table of network-instance "default"
Status codes: u=used, *=valid, >=best, x=stale
Origin codes: i=IGP, e=EGP, ?=incomplete
Status       Network         Next Hop     MED   LocPref       Path Val       -     100       [65002, 65001] i   -     100       [65003, 65001] i   -     100       [65003, 65001] i   -     100       [65002, 65001] i   -     100       [65002, 65001] ?   -     100       [65003, 65001] ?
*   -     100       [65002] i       
*   -     100       [65003, 65002] i
*   -     100       [65002, 65003] i
*   -     100       [65003] i       
*   -     100       [65002] i       
*   -     100       [65003] i       
*   -     100       [65002] i       
*   -     100       [65003] i       
*   -     100       [65002] ?       
*   -     100       [65003, 65002] ?
*   -     100       [65002, 65003] ?
*   -     100       [65003] ?       
u*>        -     100        i              
u*>   -     100       [65002] i       
u*>   -     100       [65003] i       
u*>        -     100        i              
u*>        -     100        i              
u*>   -     100       [65002] i       
u*>        -     100        ?              
u*>   -     100       [65002] ?       
u*>   -     100       [65003] ?       
34 received BGP routes: 9 used, 28 valid
15 available destinations: 19 with ECMP multipaths
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network-instance example - BGP summary of IPv6 routes

# show network-instance default protocols bgp routes ipv6 summary
Show report for the BGP route table of network-instance "default"
Status codes: u=used, *=valid, >=best, x=stale
Origin codes: i=IGP, e=EGP, ?=incomplete
Status           Network                  Next Hop         MED   LocPref       Path Val    
         2001:1::192:168:13:0/126   ::c0a8:b02             -     100       [65002] i       
         2001:1::192:168:13:0/126   ::c0a8:c02             -     100       [65003] i       
         2001::100:1:1:2/128        ::c0a8:b02             -     100       [65002] i       
         2001::100:1:1:2/128        ::c0a8:c02             -     100       [65003, 65002] i
         2001::100:1:1:3/128        ::c0a8:b02             -     100       [65002, 65003] i
         2001::100:1:1:3/128        ::c0a8:c02             -     100       [65003] i       
*        2001:1::/64                2001:1::192:168:11:2   -     100       [65002] ?       
*        2001:1::/64                2001:1::192:168:12:2   -     100       [65003] ?       
*        2001:1::192:168:11:0/126   2001:1::192:168:11:2   -     100       [65002] i       
*        2001:1::192:168:12:0/126   2001:1::192:168:12:2   -     100       [65003] i       
*        2001:1::192:168:13:0/126   2001:1::192:168:12:2   -     100       [65003] i       
*        2001::100:1:1:2/128        2001:1::192:168:12:2   -     100       [65003, 65002] i
*        2001::100:1:1:3/128        2001:1::192:168:11:2   -     100       [65002, 65003] i
u*>      2001:1::/64                ::                     -     100        ?              
u*>      2001:1::192:168:11:0/126   ::                     -     100        i              
u*>      2001:1::192:168:12:0/126   ::                     -     100        i              
u*>      2001:1::192:168:13:0/126   2001:1::192:168:11:2   -     100       [65002] i       
u*>      2001::100:1:1:1/128        ::                     -     100        i              
u*>      2001::100:1:1:2/128        2001:1::192:168:11:2   -     100       [65002] i       
u*>      2001::100:1:1:3/128        2001:1::192:168:12:2   -     100       [65003] i       
20 received BGP routes: 7 used, 14 valid
7 available destinations: 13 with ECMP multipaths
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Network-instance example - BGP details of specific IPv4 prefix routes

show network-instance default protocols bgp routes ipv4  prefix
30 detail
Show report for the BGP routes to network "" 
network-instance  "default"
Received Paths: 4
  Path 1: <Best,Valid,Used>
    Route source    : neighbor, (0d:3h:32m:4s ago)
    Route Preference: MED is -, LocalPref is 100
    BGP next-hop    :
    Path            : i 65002
    Communities     : None
    RR Attributes   : No Originator-ID, Cluster-List is [ - ]
    Aggregation     : Not an aggregate route
    Unknown Attr    : None
    Invalid Reason  : None
    Tie Break Reason: none
  Path 2: <Valid,>
    Route source    : neighbor, (0d:3h:32m:2s ago)
    Route Preference: MED is -, LocalPref is 100
    BGP next-hop    :
    Path            : i 65003
    Communities     : None
    RR Attributes   : No Originator-ID, Cluster-List is [ - ]
    Aggregation     : Not an aggregate route
    Unknown Attr    : None
    Invalid Reason  : None
    Tie Break Reason: originator-id
  Path 3: <Valid,>
    Route source    : neighbor 2001:1::192:168:11:2, (0d:3h:31m:32s ago)
    Route Preference: MED is -, LocalPref is 100
    BGP next-hop    :
    Path            : i 65002
    Communities     : None
    RR Attributes   : No Originator-ID, Cluster-List is [ - ]
    Aggregation     : Not an aggregate route
    Unknown Attr    : None
    Invalid Reason  : None
    Tie Break Reason: peer-ip
  Path 4: <Valid,>
    Route source    : neighbor 2001:1::192:168:12:2, (0d:3h:30m:35s ago)
    Route Preference: MED is -, LocalPref is 100
    BGP next-hop    :
    Path            : i 65003
    Communities     : None
    RR Attributes   : No Originator-ID, Cluster-List is [ - ]
    Aggregation     : Not an aggregate route
    Unknown Attr    : None
    Invalid Reason  : None
    Tie Break Reason: peer-ip
  Path was advertised to: 
  [,2001:1::192:168:11:2,2001:1::192:168:12:2 ]
    Route Preference: MED is -, LocalPref is 100
    Path            : i 65001 65002
    Communities     : None
    RR Attributes   : No Originator-ID, Cluster-List is [ - ]
    Aggregation     : Not an aggregate route
    Unknown Attr    : None Network-instance example - show summary of isis protocols

# show network-instance protocols isis summary 
network-Instance: default
instance        : base
admin-state     : UP
oper-state      : UP
oper-system-id  : 0007.0007.0007
level-capability: L1L2
max-ecmp-paths  : 2 Network-instance example - show adjacent isis neighbor

# show network-instance protocols isis adjacency neighbor-system-id 0006.0006.0006
Network-instance: default
Instance        : base
Adjacency_count : 1
| Neighbor-      | Adjacency | Interface | Ip-Address | Ipv6-Address   | State | Last-      | Remaining-|
| System-Id      |   -Level  |  -Name    |            |                |       | transition | holdtime  |
| 0006.0006.0006 | L1L2      | ethernet- | | fe80::201:6ff: | up    |            | 6         |
|                |           | 1/4.1     |            |  feff:2        |       |            |           |
+----------------+-----------+-----------+------------+----------------+-------+------------+-----------+ Network-instance example - show isis interface details

# show network-instance protocols isis interface lag1.1 detail
Network-Instance: default
Instance        : base
Interface-Name      : lag1.1
Status              : IS-IS is admin enabled, oper up
Circuit             : id 5 is point-to-point and not passive
Hello-authentication: enabled
Hello-padding       : strict
Csnp-interval       : 10
Lsp-pacing          : 60000
Level               : 1
Status              : enabled
Adjacencies         : 0
Priority            : 64
Hello-interval      : 2
Hello-multiplier    : 3
Ipv4-metric         : 124
Ipv6-metric         : 10
Level               : 2
Status              : enabled
Adjacencies         : 0
Priority            : 64
Hello-interval      : 9
Hello-multiplier    : 3
Ipv4-metric         : 200
Ipv6-metric         : 10
-------------------------------------------------------------- Network-instance example - show isis database details

# show network-instance protocols isis database lsp-id 0003.0003.0003.00-00
Network-Instance: default
Instance        : base
| Level-Number |        Lsp-Id        | Sequence | Checksum | Lifetime | Attributes |
| 1            | 0003.0003.0003.00-00 | 0x4      | 0xff03   | 431      | L1 L2      |
| 2            | 0003.0003.0003.00-00 | 0x8      | 0x7fdb   | 415      | L1 L2      |
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Network-instance example - show all route tables

# show network-instance route-table all
  IPv4 Unicast route table of network instance *
  |  Prefix      |  ID   |   Active   |      Owner      | Metric  | Pref  |   Next-hop   | Next- |
  |              |       |            |                 |         |       |    (Type)    |  hop  |
  |              |       |            |                 |         |       |              |  Id   |
  | | 0     | true       | host            | 0       | 0     | None         | 1     |
  |              |       |            |                 |         |       | (extract)    |       |
  | | 0     | true       | bgp             | 0       | 170   | | 6     |
  |              |       |            |                 |         |       | (indirect)   |       |
  | | 0     | true       | bgp             | 0       | 170   | | 9     |
  |              |       |            |                 |         |       | (indirect)   |       |
  | 192.168.1    | 0     | true       | local           | 0       | 0     | | 4     |
  | 1.0/30       |       |            |                 |         |       | (direct)     |       |
  | 192.168.1    | 0     | true       | static          | 1       | 5     | None         | 2     |
  | 6.0/24       |       |            |                 |         |       | (discard)    |       |
  | 192.168.1    | 0     | true       | bgp             | 0       | 170   | | 6     |
  | 7.0/24       |       |            |                 |         |       | (indirect)   |       |
  | 192.168.1    | 0     | true       | bgp             | 0       | 170   | | 9     |
  | 8.0/24       |       |            |                 |         |       | (indirect)   |       |
  |    | 0     | true       | dhcp-client-mgr | 0       | 5     |  | 5     |
  |              |       |            |                 |         |       | (direct)     |       |
  8 IPv4 routes total
  8 IPv4 prefixes with active routes
  0 IPv4 prefixes with active EMCP routes
    IPv6 Unicast route table of network instance *
  |  Prefix   |  ID   |   Active   |      Owner      | Metric  | Pref  |   Next-hop   | Next- |
  |           |       |            |                 |         |       |    (Type)    |  hop  |
  |           |       |            |                 |         |       |              |  Id   |
  | 2001::100 | 0     | true       | host            | 0       | 0     | None         | 1     |
  | :1:1:1/12 |       |            |                 |         |       | (extract)    |       |
  | 8         |       |            |                 |         |       |              |       |
  | 2001::100 | 0     | true       | bgp             | 0       | 170   | 2001:1::192: | 11    |
  | :1:1:2/12 |       |            |                 |         |       | 168:11:2     |       |
  | 8         |       |            |                 |         |       | (indirect)   |       |
  | 2001::100 | 0     | true       | bgp             | 0       | 170   | 2001:1::192: | 12    |
  | :1:1:3/12 |       |            |                 |         |       | 168:12:2     |       |
  | 8         |       |            |                 |         |       | (indirect)   |       |
  | 2001:1::/ | 0     | true       | static          | 1       | 6     | None         | 2     |
  | 64        |       |            |                 |         |       | (discard)    |       |
  | 2001:1::1 | 0     | true       | local           | 0       | 0     | 2001:1::192: | 16    |
  | 92:168:11 |       |            |                 |         |       | 168:11:1     |       |
  | :0/126    |       |            |                 |         |       | (direct)     |       |
  5 IPv6 routes total
  5 IPv6 prefixes with active routes
  0 IPv6 prefixes with active EMCP routes Network-instance example - show next-hop route table for specified index

# show network-instance route-table next-hop 1
  Next-hop route table of network instance *
  Index: 1
      Type            : extract
      Subinterface    : N/A
      Resolving Route : None (None)
      MPLS label stack: []

3.2.6. Platform show reports

— platform
— control <slot ID>
— environment
— fabric <slot number>
— fan-tray <ID number>
— linecard <slot number>
— power-supply <ID number>
— redundancy
— resource-monitoring

The sections that follow show select examples of platform show reports. Platform example - show all platform elements

# show platform
| Module   | ID | Admin  | Operational |              Model              |       Last Changed       |
|  Type    |    | State  |   State     |                                 |                          |
| control  | A  | N/A    | up/active   | cpm2-ixr                        | 2019-11-13T00:11:52.769Z |
| control  | B  | N/A    | up/standby  | cpm2-ixr                        | 2019-11-13T00:58:29.765Z |
| linecard | 1  | enable | empty       |                                 |                          |
| linecard | 2  | enable | up          | imm32-100g-qsfp28+4-400g-qsfpdd | 2019-11-13T00:16:52.279Z |
| linecard | 3  | enable | up          | imm32-100g-qsfp28+4-400g-qsfpdd | 2019-11-13T00:17:42.662Z |
| linecard | 4  | enable | empty       |                                 |                          |
| fabric   | 1  | enable | up          | sfm2-ixr-6                      | 2019-11-13T00:14:03.692Z |
| fabric   | 2  | enable | empty       |                                 |                          |
| fabric   | 3  | enable | up          | sfm2-ixr-6                      | 2019-11-13T00:14:43.723Z |
| fabric   | 4  | enable | empty       |                                 |                          |
| fabric   | 5  | enable | up          | sfm2-ixr-6                      | 2019-11-13T00:15:23.753Z |
| fabric   | 6  | enable | up          | sfm2-ixr-6                      | 2019-11-13T00:16:03.781Z |
+----------+----+--------+-------------+---------------------------------+--------------------------+ Platform example - show specific control status

# show platform control A
| Module   | ID | Admin  | Operational |              Model              |       Last Changed       |
|  Type    |    | State  |   State     |                                 |                          |
| control  | A  | N/A    | up/active   | cpm2-ixr                        | 2019-11-13T00:11:52.769Z |
+----------+----+--------+-------------+---------------------------------+--------------------------+ Platform example - show environment status

# show platform environment
| Module Type  | ID | Admin    | Operational |              Model              | Temperature |
|              |    | State    |   State     |                                 |             |
| control      | A  | N/A      | up          | cpm2-ixr                        | 25          |
| control      | B  | N/A      | up          | cpm2-ixr                        |             |
| linecard     | 1  | enable   | empty       |                                 |             |
| linecard     | 2  | enable   | up          | imm32-100g-qsfp28+4-400g-qsfpdd | 26          |
| linecard     | 3  | enable   | up          | imm32-100g-qsfp28+4-400g-qsfpdd | 25          |
| linecard     | 4  | enable   | empty       |                                 |             |
| fabric       | 1  | enable   | up          | sfm2-ixr-6                      | 24          |
| fabric       | 2  | enable   | empty       |                                 |             |
| fabric       | 3  | enable   | up          | sfm2-ixr-6                      | 25          |
| fabric       | 4  | enable   | empty       |                                 |             |
| fabric       | 5  | enable   | up          | sfm2-ixr-6                      | 23          |
| fabric       | 6  | enable   | up          | sfm2-ixr-6                      | 25          |
| fan-tray     | 1  | N/A      | up          | 7250 ixr-6 fan tray             | 0           |
| fan-tray     | 2  | N/A      | up          | 7250 ixr-6 fan tray             | 0           |
| fan-tray     | 3  | N/A      | up          | 7250 ixr-6 fan tray             | 0           |
| power-supply | 1  | N/A      | empty       |                                 |             |
| power-supply | 2  | N/A      | up          | ixr-ac-hvdc-3000                | 21          |
| power-supply | 3  | N/A      | up          | ixr-ac-hvdc-3000                | 23          |
| power-supply | 4  | N/A      | empty       |                                 |             |
| power-supply | 5  | N/A      | empty       |                                 |             |
| power-supply | 6  | N/A      | empty       |                                 |             |
+--------------+----+----------+-------------+---------------------------------+-------------+ Platform example - show fabric status

# # show platform fabric
  | Module Type | ID | Admin State | Operational State |   Model    |       Last Changed       |
  | fabric      | 1  | enable      | up                | sfm2-ixr-6 | 2019-11-13T00:14:03.692Z |
  | fabric      | 2  | enable      | empty             |            |                          |
  | fabric      | 3  | enable      | up                | sfm2-ixr-6 | 2019-11-13T00:14:43.723Z |
  | fabric      | 4  | enable      | empty             |            |                          |
  | fabric      | 5  | enable      | up                | sfm2-ixr-6 | 2019-11-13T00:15:23.753Z |
  | fabric      | 6  | enable      | up                | sfm2-ixr-6 | 2019-11-13T00:16:03.781Z |
  +-------------+----+-------------+-------------------+------------+--------------------------+ Platform example - show specific fabric status

# show platform fabric 5
  | Module Type | ID | Admin State | Operational State |   Model    |       Last Changed       |
  | fabric      | 5  | enable      | up                | sfm2-ixr-6 | 2019-11-13T00:15:23.753Z |
  +-------------+----+-------------+-------------------+------------+--------------------------+ Platform example - show fan tray status

# show platform fan-tray
| Module Type | ID | Admin State | Operational |        Model        |       Last Changed       |
|             |    |             |   State     |                     |                          |
| fan-tray    | 1  | N/A         | up          | 7250 ixr-6 fan tray | 2019-11-13T00:11:55.637Z |
| fan-tray    | 2  | N/A         | up          | 7250 ixr-6 fan tray | 2019-11-13T00:11:55.685Z |
| fan-tray    | 3  | N/A         | up          | 7250 ixr-6 fan tray | 2019-11-13T00:11:55.733Z |
+-------------+----+-------------+-------------+---------------------+--------------------------+ Platform example - show specific fan tray status

# show platform fan-tray 1
| Module Type | ID | Admin State | Operational |        Model        |       Last Changed       |
|             |    |             |   State     |                     |                          |
| fan-tray    | 1  | N/A         | up          | 7250 ixr-6 fan tray | 2019-11-13T00:11:55.637Z |
+-------------+----+-------------+-------------+---------------------+--------------------------+ Platform example - show line card status

# show platform linecard
| Module   | ID | Admin  | Operational |              Model              |       Last Changed       |
|  Type    |    | State  |   State     |                                 |                          |
| linecard | 1  | enable | empty       |                                 |                          |
| linecard | 2  | enable | up          | imm32-100g-qsfp28+4-400g-qsfpdd | 2019-11-13T00:16:52.279Z |
| linecard | 3  | enable | up          | imm32-100g-qsfp28+4-400g-qsfpdd | 2019-11-13T00:17:42.662Z |
| linecard | 4  | enable | empty       |                                 |                          |
+----------+----+--------+-------------+---------------------------------+--------------------------+ Platform example - show specific line card status

# show platform linecard 3
| Module   | ID | Admin  | Operational |              Model              |       Last Changed       |
|  Type    |    | State  |   State     |                                 |                          |
| linecard | 3  | enable | up          | imm32-100g-qsfp28+4-400g-qsfpdd | 2019-11-13T00:17:42.662Z |
+----------+----+--------+-------------+---------------------------------+--------------------------+ Platform example - show power supply status

# show platform power-supply
  | Module Type  | ID | Admin State | Operational |      Model       |       Last Changed       |
  |              |    |             |   State     |                  |                          |
  | power-supply | 1  | N/A         | empty       |                  |                          |
  | power-supply | 2  | N/A         | up          | ixr-ac-hvdc-3000 | 2019-11-13T00:11:56.714Z |
  | power-supply | 3  | N/A         | up          | ixr-ac-hvdc-3000 | 2019-11-13T00:11:56.715Z |
  | power-supply | 4  | N/A         | empty       |                  |                          |
  | power-supply | 5  | N/A         | empty       |                  |                          |
  | power-supply | 6  | N/A         | empty       |                  |                          |
  +--------------+----+-------------+-------------+------------------+--------------------------+ Platform example - show specific power supply status

# show platform power-supply 3
  | Module Type  | ID | Admin State | Operational |      Model       |       Last Changed       |
  |              |    |             |   State     |                  |                          |
  | power-supply | 3  | N/A         | up          | ixr-ac-hvdc-3000 | 2019-11-13T00:11:56.715Z |
  +--------------+----+-------------+-------------+------------------+--------------------------+ Platform example - show redundancy

# show platform redundancy
 Show report for Redundancy
Active Module         : <Unknown>
Failover Time         : -
Synchronization Status: <Unknown>
Last Synchronization  : -
    Sync frequency: 60 seconds
    Last sync     : None
    Next Sync     : None
--{ show }--[  ]-- Platform example - show resource monitoring

# show platform resource-monitoring
  Resource Monitoring for ACL
            Name              Rising Threshold to Log   Falling Threshold to Log
  input-ipv4-filter-                    90%                       70%
  input-ipv6-filter-                    90%                       70%
  Resource Monitoring for TCAM
        Name         Rising Threshold to Log   Falling Threshold to Log
  cpm-capture-ipv4             90%                       70%
  cpm-capture-ipv6             90%                       70%
  if-input-ipv4                90%                       70%
  if-input-ipv6                90%                       70%
  if-output-ipv4               90%                       70%
  if-output-ipv6               90%                       70%
  Resource Monitoring for IP MPLS Forwarding
        Name         Rising Threshold to Log   Falling Threshold to Log
  cpm-capture-ipv4             90%                       70%
  cpm-capture-ipv6             90%                       70%
  if-input-ipv4                90%                       70%
  if-input-ipv6                90%                       70%
  if-output-ipv4               90%                       70%
  if-output-ipv6               90%                       70%
  Resource Monitoring for MTU
    Name     Rising Threshold to Log   Falling Threshold to Log
  ip-mtu               90%                       70%
  port-mtu             90%                       70%
  Resource Monitoring for QoS
         Name           Rising Threshold to Log   Falling Threshold to Log
  classifier-profiles             90%                       70%
  rewrite-profiles                90%                       70%
--{ show }--[  ]--

3.2.7. System show reports

— system
— aaa authentication session
<session ID number>
— application
<application name>
— lldp neighbor
— interface <interface name>
— logging
— buffer
— messages
— system
— file
— messages
— sflow
— status

The sections that follow show select examples of system show reports. System example - show AAA sessions report

--{ show }--[  ]--
# show system aaa authentication session
| ID | User name | Service name |  TTY  | Remote host |     Login time      |
| 2  | root      | srlinux-cli  | pts/4 |             | 2019/04/30 18:50:04 |
| 3  | root*     | srlinux-cli  | pts/5 |             | 2019/04/30 19:50:36 |
| 7  | root      | srlinux-cli  | pts/6 |             | 2019/05/02 17:55:14 |
| 15 | root      | srlinux-cli  | pts/7 |             | 2019/05/09 18:58:10 |
| 17 | root      | srlinux-cli  | pts/8 |             | 2019/05/16 12:34:57 |
--{ show }--[  ]-- System example - show specific AAA session report

--{ show }--[  ]--
# show system aaa authentication session 3
| ID | User name | Service name |  TTY  | Remote host |     Login time      |
| 3  | root*     | srlinux-cli  | pts/5 |             | 2019/04/30 19:50:36 |
--{ show }--[  ]-- System example - show all applications

# show system application
  |       Name       | PID |  State  |     Version     |       Last Change        |
  | aaa_mgr          | 242 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.982Z |
  | acl_mgr          | 251 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.982Z |
  | app_mgr          | 180 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:14.054Z |
  | arp_nd_mgr       | 260 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.983Z |
  | bfd_mgr          | 269 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.983Z |
  | bgp_mgr          | 502 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:14.366Z |
  | chassis_mgr      | 280 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.983Z |
  | dev_mgr          | 189 | running |                 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.248Z |
  | dhcp_client_mgr  | 289 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.983Z |
  | fib_mgr          | 302 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.984Z |
  | gnmi_server      | 510 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:14.373Z |
  | idb_server       | 218 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.466Z |
  | json_rpc         | 519 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:14.376Z |
  | linux_mgr        | 313 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.984Z |
  | lldp_mgr         | 527 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:14.380Z |
  | log_mgr          | 323 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.985Z |
  | mgmt_server      | 332 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.985Z |
  | mpls_mgr         | 341 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.986Z |
  | net_inst_mgr     | 354 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.987Z |
  | oam_mgr          | 363 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.987Z |
  | plcy_mgr         | 377 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.988Z |
  | qos_mgr          | 492 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:14.255Z |
  | sdk_mgr          | 386 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.988Z |
  | sshd-mgmt        | 818 | running |                 | 2019-10-03T17:11:23.214Z |
  | static_route_mgr | 395 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.989Z |
  | supportd         | 411 | running |                 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.990Z |
  | xdp_cpm          | 421 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.990Z |
  | xdp_lc_1         | 435 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.991Z |
  +------------------+-----+---------+-----------------+--------------------------+ System example - show specific application

# show system application aaa_mgr
  |       Name       | PID |  State  |     Version     |       Last Change        |
  | aaa_mgr          | 242 | running | v0.6.0-201-g9a2 | 2019-10-03T17:11:13.982Z |
  +------------------+-----+---------+-----------------+--------------------------+ System example - show LLDP neighbor interface

# show system lldp neighbor interface ethernet-1/1
  |  Name    | Neighbor  | Neighbor  | Neighbor  | Neighbor | Neighbor | Neighbor |   BGP   |   BGP    |
  |          |           |  System   |  Chassis  |  First   |  Last    |   Port   | GroupId |  Peers   |
  |          |           |   Name    |   ID      | Message  | Update   |          |         |          |
  | ethernet | 12:12:06  | 3-node-   | 12:12:06  |  a day   |   593    | ethernet |         | 192.168. |
  | -1/1     | :FF:00:00 | srlinux-B | :FF:00:00 |  ago     |          | -1/1     |         | 11.2     |
  |          |           |           |           |          |          |          |         |          |
  |          |           |           |           |          |          |          |         | 2001:1:: |
  |          |           |           |           |          |          |          |         | 192:168: |
  |          |           |           |           |          |          |          |         | 11:2     |
--{ show }--[  ]-- System example - show LLDP neighbors

# show system lldp neighbor
  |  Name    | Neighbor  | Neighbor  | Neighbor  | Neighbor | Neighbor | Neighbor |   BGP   |   BGP    |
  |          |           |  System   |  Chassis  |  First   |  Last    |   Port   | GroupId |  Peers   |
  |          |           |   Name    |   ID      | Message  | Update   |          |         |          |
  | ethernet | 12:12:06: | 3-node-   | 12:12:06 |  a day    | 213      | ethernet |         | 192.168. |
  | -1/1     | FF:00:00  | srlinux-B | :FF:00:00|   ago     |          | -1/1     |         | 11.2     |
  |          |           |           |          |           |          |          |         | 2001:1:: |
  |          |           |           |          |           |          |          |         | 192:168: |
  |          |           |           |          |           |          |          |         | 11:2     |
  | ethernet | 12:12:07: | 3-node-   | 12:12:07 | 507213    | 212      | ethernet |         | 192.168. |
  | -1/2     | FF:00:00  | srlinux-C | :FF:00:00|           |          | -1/2     |         | 12.2     |
  |          |           |           |          |           |          |          |         | 2001:1:: |
  |          |           |           |          |           |          |          |         | 192:168: |
  |          |           |           |          |           |          |          |         | 12:2     |
--{ show }--[  ]-- System example - show logging

# show system logging
  |   Name   |  Type  |        Directory        |
  | messages | file   | /var/log/srlinux/file   |
  | messages | buffer | /var/log/srlinux/buffer |
  | system   | buffer | /var/log/srlinux/buffer |
--{ running }--[  ]-- System example - show logging buffer messages

# show system logging buffer messages
# /var/log/srlinux/buffer{,/ramdisk}/*messages*        # presented with option: -c1
18:00:54.616 log|709|709|00006|I: Logging output facility has changed from  to local6
18:00:54.616 log|709|709|00007|I: Logging configuration updated
18:00:54.630 json|1278|1278|00014|W: HTTPS JSON RPC server for network instance 
srbase-mgmt is operational.
18:00:54.632 mgmt|743|743|00046|I: All changes have been committed successfully by user  session 0.
18:00:54.632 debug|634|634|00069|W: common    chassis_mgr.cc:3971 ConfigSystemStatusSubscription  Receive
d initial configuration loaded
18:00:54.632 debug|562|562|00030|W: common    device_mgr.cc:1482       UpdateSlotAdminState  Slot 1 admin
 enabled now 1 (present 0)
18:00:54.632 debug|562|562|00031|W: common    device_mgr.cc:1482       UpdateSlotAdminState  Slot 2 admin
 enabled now 1 (present 0)
18:00:54.632 debug|562|562|00032|W: common    device_mgr.cc:1482       UpdateSlotAdminState  Slot 3 admin
 enabled now 1 (present 0)
18:00:54.632 debug|562|562|00033|W: common    device_mgr.cc:1482       UpdateSlotAdminState  Slot 4 admin
 enabled now 1 (present 0) System example - show sFlow status

# show system sflow status                  
Admin State            : enable
Sample Rate            : 8000
Sample Size            : 256
Total Samples          : 5324743
Total Collector Packets: 5324743
  collector-id     : 1
  network-instance : default
  udp-port         : 6243
  nexthop          :

3.2.8. Version show reports

— version Version example - show version

#  show version
Hostname          : dut1
Chassis Type      : 7250 IXR-10
Part Number       : 3HE11770AARA01
Serial Number     : NS1921F0583
System MAC Address: 20:E0:9C:7A:FA:E1
Software Version  : v0.8.0-74-g9f9e4bf
Architecture      : x86_64
Last Booted       : 2019-11-05T19:26:07.421Z
Total Memory      : 32785524 kB
Free Memory       : 23832924 kB