5. Management servers

5.1. gNMI server

5.1.1. Overview

The SR Linux device can enable a gNMI server that allows external gNMI clients to connect to the device and modify the configuration and collect state information.

When the gNMI server is enabled, the SR Linux gnmi_mgr application functions as a target for gNMI clients. The gnmi_mgr application validates gNMI clients and passes Get, Set, and Subscribe RPCs to the SR Linux mgmt_svr application via the gRPC interface. See the SR Linux System Management Guide for details about the supported RPCs.

Configuration changes made by gNMI clients are made within a private candidate configuration, using a snapshot of the current running configuration as a baseline for the private candidate. As with other types of candidate configurations, the private candidate can operate in exclusive mode, which locks out other users from concurrently modifying the private candidate configuration.

Sessions between gNMI clients and the SR Linux device must be encrypted using TLS. You can specify TLS settings within a TLS profile, and apply the TLS profile when configuring a gNMI server within a network-instance. When the gNMI server is enabled, gNMI clients connect and authenticate to the SR Linux device using the settings specified in the TLS profile.

New connections between gNMI clients and the SR Linux device are mutually authenticated. By default, the SR Linux device validates the X.509 certificate of the gNMI client, and vice-versa; this behavior can be disabled in the TLS profile. The SR Linux device, after validating the X.509 certificate of the gNMI client, performs local authentication, if the use-authentication parameter is set to true. In this case, the gNMI client is required to provide a username and password in the metadata of the Get, Set, and Subscribe RPCs. The supplied username and password are authenticated by the SR Linux aaa_mgr application.

See the SR Linux System Management Guide for examples of using the gnmi_cli, gnmi_get, and gnmi_set open source gNMI clients to configure and retrieve state information about the SR Linux device.

5.1.2. Configuring a gNMI server

The SR Linux supports configuring a gNMI server under one or more network-instances. You can specify limits for the number of simultaneous active gNMI client sessions, as well as the number of connection attempts per minute by gNMI clients.

For the network-instance where the gNMI server is running, you can specify the IP address and port for gNMI client connections, as well as the TLS profile used for authenticating gNMI clients. See TLS profiles.


The following example shows a configuration that enables a gNMI server on the SR Linux device. The gNMI server is configured so that gNMI clients can connect to the SR Linux via the mgmt network-instance on port 50052. Connecting gNMI clients are authenticated using the settings specified in the TLS profile tls-profile-1.

--{ * candidate shared default }--[  ]--
info system gnmi-server
 system {
     gnmi-server {
         admin-state enable
         timeout 7200
         rate-limit 60
         session-limit 20
         network-instance mgmt {
             admin-state enable
             use-authentication true
             port 50052
             tls-profile tls-profile-1
             source-address [

5.2. JSON-RPC server

5.2.1. Overview

You can enable a JSON-RPC server on the SR Linux device, which lets you issue JSON-formatted requests to the device to retrieve and set configuration and state. You can use the JSON-RPC API to run CLI commands and standard get and set methods. The SR Linux device returns responses in JSON-format.

Configuration changes made using the JSON-RPC API are made within a private candidate configuration, using a snapshot of the current running configuration as a baseline for the private candidate. As with other types of candidate configurations, the private candidate can operate in exclusive mode, which locks out other users from concurrently modifying the private candidate configuration.

When the JSON-RPC server is enabled, the application passes the requests to the SR Linux mgmt_svr application via the gRPC interface.This JSON-RPC API uses HTTP and HTTPS for transport, and users are authenticated with the aaa_mgr application. HTTPS requests can be authenticated using TLS, using settings specified in a TLS profile. See TLS profiles.

See the SR Linux System Management Guide for examples of using the get method to retrieve state information from the SR Linux, the set method to modify the SR Linux configuration, and the cli method to enter SR Linux CLI commands.

5.2.2. Configuring a JSON-RPC server

The SR Linux supports configuring a JSON-RPC server under one or more network-instances. You can specify limits for the number of simultaneous active HTTP or HTTPS connections and the TCP port used for HTTP or HTTPS connections. If the TCP port is in use when the JSON-RPC server attempts to bind to it, the commit operation will fail.


The following example shows a configuration that enables a JSON-RPC server within the mgmt network-instance on the SR Linux device. The JSON-RPC server is configured so that HTTP requests are accepted on TCP port 4000, and HTTPS requests are accepted on TCP port 443. HTTPS requests are authenticated using the settings in the TLS profile tls-profile-1.

--{ * candidate shared default }--[  ]--
info system json-rpc-server
 system {
     json-rpc-server {
         admin-state enable {
         network-instance mgmt {
             http {
                 admin-state enable
                 use-authentication true
                 session-limit 1
                 port 4000
             https {
                 admin-state enable
                 use-authentication true
                 session-limit 1
                 port 443
                 tls-profile tls-profile-1
             source-address [

5.3. TLS profiles

5.3.1. Overview

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a protocol for enabling applications or devices to exchange information. The SR Linux supports configuring TLS settings in TLS profiles, which can be provided to applications such as the gNMI server and the JSON-RPC server, so that clients connecting to the SR Linux device via these applications are authenticated using the settings in the TLS profile.

5.3.2. Configuring a TLS profile

A TLS profile can specify whether authentication is performed for clients connecting to SR Linux applications to which the profile is applied. Within a TLS profile, you can configure certificates, keys, and ciphers to use when negotiating TLS connections with clients.


--{ * candidate shared default }--[  ]--
info system tls
 system {
     tls {
         server-profile tls-profile-1 {
                key $aes$4NAaR4Zz5skA=$3Pv773cUer0TaPNHqRQ==
                certificate "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----
                authenticate-client true
                cipher-list [

5.3.3. Generating a self-signed certificate

From the SR Linux CLI, you can create a self-signed certificate and key. By default, SHA256 with RSA encryption are used for the signature algorithm. Private keys are not encrypted using DES/3, and are 4096 bits in length.


The following example generates a private key, followed by the self signed certificate:

tools system tls generate-self-signed email info@nokia.com country us
organization nokia

This tools command example is equivalent to the following openssl command:

openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -days 365

5.3.4. Generating a certificate signing request

You can issue a CLI command that returns a private key and certificate signing request (CSR). This CSR can be passed to a certificate authority (the same one that the client/server uses to validate certificates on either side) for the certificate authority to sign the request; the CSR cannot be used as-is.


The following command returns the CSR, followed by the CSR:

tools system tls generate-csr email info@nokia.com country us organization nokia

This tools command example is equivalent to the following openssl command:

openssl req -newkey rsa:4096