- service
- vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
- no vprn service-id
- aggregate ip-prefix /ip-prefix-length [summary-only] [as-set] [aggregator as-number: ip-address]
- no aggregate ip-prefix/ ip-prefix-length
- auto-bind-tunnel
- resolution {any | filter | disabled}
- resolution-filter
- [no] ldp
- [no] rsvp
- [no] sr-isis
- [no] sr-ospf
- description description-string
- no description
- ecmp max-ecmp-routes
- no ecmp
- [no] ignore-nh-metric
- maximum-ipv6-routes number [log-only] [threshold percent]
- no maximum-ipv6-routes
- maximum-routes number [log-only] [threshold percent]
- no maximum-routes
- route-distinguisher [ip-address:number1 | asn:number2]
- no route-distinguisher
- router-id ip-address
- no router-id
- [no] shutdown
- snmp
- community community community-name [hash | hash2] [access-permissions] [version SNMP-version]
- no community community-name
- source-address
- application app [ip-int-name | ip-address]
- no application app
- [no] spoke-sdp sdp-id
- [no] description description string
- [no] static-route {ip-prefix/prefix-length | ip-prefix netmask} [preference preference] [metric metric] [tag tag] [enable | disable] {next-hop ip-int-name | ip-address | {cpe-check cpe-ip-address [interval seconds] [drop-count count] [log]}] {prefix-list prefix-list-name [all | none]}]
- [no] static-route {ip-prefix/prefix-length | ip-prefix netmask} [preference preference] [metric metric] [tag tag] [enable | disable] indirect ip-address [cpe-check cpe-ip-address [interval seconds][drop-count count] [log]] {prefix-list prefix-list-name [all | none]}]
- [no] static-route {ip-prefix/prefix-length | ip-prefix netmask} [preference preference] [metric metric] [tag tag] [enable | disable] black-hole {prefix-list prefix-list-name [all | none]}]
- [no] static-route {ip-prefix/prefix-length | ip-prefix netmask} [preference preference][metric metric] [tag tag] [enable | disable] next-hop ip-int-name | ip-address [bfd-enable | {cpe-check cpe-ip-address [interval seconds] [drop-count count] [log]}|{prefix-list prefix-list-name [all|none]}]][description description]
- vrf-export policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
- no vrf-export
- vrf-import policy-name [policy-name...(up to 5 max)]
- no vrf-import
- vrf-target {ext-community | export ext-community | import ext-community}
- no vrf-target
- [no] shutdown
- service
- vprn service-id [customer customer-id]
- no vprn service-id
- sgt-qos
- application dscp-app-name dscp {dscp-value | dscp-name}
- application dot1p-app-name dot1p dot1p-priority
- no application {dscp-app-name | dot1p-app-name}
- dscp dscp-name fc fc-name
- no dscp dscp-name
See the 7210 SAS-K 2F1C2T, K 2F6C4T, K 3SFP+ 8C Quality of Service Guide, section ‟Self-generated Traffic commands for 7210 SAS-K 2F6C4T and 7210 SAS-K 3SFP+ 8C” for descriptions of the config>service>vprn>sgt-qos commands.