CAM-based classification

When using CAM-based classification on 7210 SAS devices, at SAP ingress users have an option to use either MAC criteria or IP criteria, or both IPv4 and MAC criteria to allow users to use the available CAM classification resources effectively.

The following options are available:

Among the preceding supported criteria, the following can be configured in a single policy:


When specifying both MAC and IP criteria in a SAP ingress policy, only an IPv6 DSCP match is allowed. Other IPv6 fields, such as src-address and dst-address, are not allowed.

In addition to the preceding list of classification rules, the user can set the DEI bit for identifying the ingress profile and enabling color-aware policing. See Discard eligibility indicator-based (DEI-based) classification and marking and Service ingress QoS policies for more information. The packet fields that can be used as match criteria for SAP ingress classification are described in Table: Service ingress QoS policy match criteria for 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE, and 7210 SAS-T in network mode and Table: Service ingress QoS policy criteria for 7210 SAS-T in access-uplink mode.


To determine the resource allocation required for each of these different criteria, see Service ingress QoS policies.

The IP and MAC match criteria can be very basic or quite detailed. IP and MAC match criteria are constructed using policy entries. An entry is identified by a unique, numerical entry ID. A single entry cannot contain more than one match value for each match criteria. Each match entry has an action that specifies the FC of packets that match the entry.

The entries are evaluated in numerical order based on the entry ID, from the lowest to highest ID value. The first entry that matches all match criteria has its action performed.

Table: Service ingress QoS policy match criteria for 7210 SAS-Mxp, 7210 SAS-R6, 7210 SAS-R12, 7210 SAS-Sx/S 1/10GE, 7210 SAS-Sx 10/100GE, and 7210 SAS-T in network mode
Match criteria Description

IP criteria

IP DSCP value/mask and IP Precedence value (available for SAPs in VPLS, VLL, PBB Epipe I-SAP, PBB VPLS I-SAP, IES and VPRN, and R-VPLS services)

IP source and mask, IP destination and mask, IP protocol, TCP/UDP source port, TCP/UDP destination port, (available only for SAPs in VPLS, VLL, PBB Epipe I-SAP, PBB VPLS I-SAP, IES and VPRN services)

IPv6 criteria

IP DSCP value/mask and IP Precedence value (available for SAPs in VPLS, VLL, PBB services)

IPv6 128-bit source and mask, IPv6 128-bit destination and mask, IP protocol/next-header, TCP/UDP source port, TCP/UDP destination port, (available only for SAPs in VPLS, VLL, PBB Epipe I-SAP,PBB VPLS I-SAP)

MAC criteria

IEEE 802.1p/dot1p value/mask, Source MAC address/mask, Destination MAC address/mask, EtherType Value/Mask (available for VLL, VPLS, PBB (Epipe I-SAP, VPLS I-SAP, B-SAP), IES, VPRN, and R-VPLS services)

Table: Service ingress QoS policy criteria for 7210 SAS-T in access-uplink mode
Match criteria Description

IP criteria

IP DSCP value/mask and IP Precedence value (available for access SAPs in VPLS, VLL, IES, and R-VPLS services)

IP source and mask, IP destination and mask, IP protocol, TCP/UDP source port, TCP/UDP destination port, (available only for access SAPs in VPLS, VLL, and IES services)

IPv6 criteria

IP DSCP value/mask and IP Precedence value (available for SAPs in VPLS, and VLL services)

IPv6 128-bit source and mask, IPv6 128-bit destination and mask, IP protocol/next-header, TCP/UDP source port, TCP/UDP destination port, (available only for SAPs in VPLS and VLL services)

MAC criteria

IEEE 802.1p/dot1p value/mask, Source MAC address/mask, Destination MAC address/mask, EtherType Value/Mask (available for VLL, VPLS, IES, and R-VPLS services)

The following table lists the MAC match criteria that can be used for an Ethernet frame, which depends on the frame format.

Table: MAC match Ethernet frame types
Frame format Description


IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frame. Only the source MAC, destination MAC and IEEE 802.1p value are compared for match criteria.


Ethernet type II frame where the 802.3 length field is used as an Ethernet type (Etype) value

Etype values are two byte values greater than 0x5FF (1535 decimal).

The following table lists the criteria that can be matched for the various MAC frame types.

Table: MAC match criteria frame type dependencies
Frame format Source MAC Dest MAC IEEE 802.1p value Etype value











Service ingress QoS policy ID 1 is reserved for the default service ingress policy. The default policy cannot be deleted or changed.

The default service ingress policy is implicitly applied to all SAPs that do not have another service ingress policy assigned. In the default policy, no queues are defined. All traffic is mapped to the default FC, which uses one meter by default. The following table lists the characteristics of the default policy.

Table: Default service ingress policy ID 1 definition
Item Definition

Meter 1

1 (one) meter all unicast traffic:

  • Forward class: best-effort (be)

  • mode = trtcm1

  • CIR, PIR = Closest (adaptation-rule)

  • CIR = 0

  • PIR = max (4000000 kbps in case of a LAG with four member ports)

  • MBS, CBS = default (values derived from applicable policy)

  • color-mode = color-blind

Default FC (be)

1 (one) flow defined for all traffic:

  • All traffic mapped to best-effort (be)

When using CAM-based classification and policing, available ingress CAM hardware resources can be allocated as needed, for use with different QoS classification match criteria. By default, the system allocates a single meter and 2 classification entries, so that all traffic is mapped to a single FC and the FC uses a single meter. Users can modify the resource allocation based on the need to scale the number of entries or the number of associations (that is, the number of SAPs using a policy that uses a particular match criterion).

If no resources are allocated to a particular match criterion used in the policy, the association of that policy to a SAP fails. Allocation of classification entries also allocates meter resources, which are used to implement the per-FC per-traffic type policing function. See Resource allocation for service ingress QoS policies using CAM-based classification for information about resource usage and allocation to SAP ingress policies.